Bumbo Seat // 4moms Breeze Playard // Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock // Medela Pump in Style Advanced Pump // Solly Baby Wrap // Little Bunch Wipes Case // Chewbeads Necklace // 4moms RockaRoo // Lily Jade Diaper Bag // 4moms Infant Tub // Dr. Browns Gia Nursing Pillow and Cover // Graco Travel System // Little Dream Bird Carseat Cover // Sophie Teether
Where did the weekend go? It feels like such a blur already. Shane and I are about to do a little baby shopping today at Target and Pottery Barn Kids, so I thought it was the perfect time to share some of my favorite baby products that we have received so far. I have every single one of the items above. I have tried most of them out already and read reviews on them before I purchased them. I think they are all great products, and I cannot wait to use them with little Leighton. If you have any of the above baby products, I would love to hear your thoughts on them too. And for the products that I left off my list, I would love to hear what other recommendations you have. I still have quite a few items that I need, and I think that recommendations from others moms is the best place to find the best products that work. So what are your best baby buys?

Oh my goodness! I NEED that shopping cart hammock! It is so hard to go to the grocery store with Raegan! Another item you will need is the swaddleme blankets by summer infant. They are velcro and are almost impossible for Raegan to break out of! You'll be glad you have them because when she's not swaddled those little hands go shooting up, and you'll be praying she doesn't wake herself up!
We love our mamaroo! Raegan is sleeping in it as we speak! Also, we have a fisher price rock n play. That's what she sleeps in at night and it's great! She started off in her Graco pack n play but the little bassinet it comes with is too small for her now. But we loved it when we first brought her home. Definitely look that one up too! And for when Leighton is bigger, check out the ergo baby carrier. The solly wrap is great when they are tiny, but when she's bigger, you'll be so glad you have the ergo baby carrier!
And my last recommendation is a wubba nub. It's a paci attached to a stuffed animal. You don't lose it as often and it's so much easier to hold on to when you're holding it in baby's mouth.
Can't believe it's almost time to meet sweet Leighton! Can't wait to see pictures of your miracle baby! Which you need to check out this shirt. I just ordered one for Raegan. I think Leighton needs one too! It's by Tink and Key.
but Kate and Linny are having a sale on the shirt here! but it's only on sale through today! 🙂
It seemed so stupid and I refused to buy one before she arrived, but the Fisher Price Rock N Play is the only thing she will sleep in, we got the cutest little bassinet and she would just scream!! She slept 6 hours the first night she slept in it!!
it'll be interesting to see how your baby actually reacts to some of those products!
we LOVED the mamaroo – total life saver for us. can't believe some babies hate it! and some babies legs are too chunky for the mamaroo, but the bebepod's openings are larger. so many things!
best diaper pail in the world tho = the ubbi!
Ella absolutely loved the Mamaroo! We borrowed ours from a friend & it was a lifesaver.