This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Procter & Gamble. All opinions are 100% my own.

When I gave birth to Leighton, exactly 23 months ago, I was automatically signed up for weekly emails that tell me how many weeks old Leighton is each week and what stages children are going through at that age. I was lying at the pool yesterday in Cabo with Shane on our 10 year anniversary trip and my phone dings. It’s a new weekly email saying that Leighton was 100 weeks old. 100 weeks old. Where does the time go moms? It seems like just yesterday. As much as I loved my chunky newborn squish, I love each new phase that comes along too.
Right now Leighton is in the “I want to do everything by myself” phase. Since Leighton was 18 months old, she has been occasionally using her own potty. A few months ago, we finally started using the new Pampers Easy Ups on a daily basis. She may only use her potty once during the week, but on weekends when we are with her all day, she will sometimes use it 4 or 5 times each day. It was getting so hard and time consuming to have to undo her diaper all day when she is ready to use the potty just to put a new one on her afterwards. Pampers Easy Ups look, fit and feel like real underwear, but they have superior leak protection. They are SO much easier and quicker for a toddler to pull on and off all by themselves too. Leighton absolutely loves her independence, so it makes her feel good when she can go to the bathroom, pull down her Pampers Easy Ups and use her own potty all by herself.
We are still in the beginning phase of potty training, but I wanted to share a few of my favorite tips that have worked for us so far.
1. It’s all about timing. It’s not worth it to rush potty training. Try to stay patient, and let your child lead. Make sure they are showing signs of readiness before you start. Leighton started telling us when she had to potty, asking to take her diaper off, would take it off herself, or would get upset if she did use the bathroom in her diaper. These were some of the ways we knew she was ready to at least slowly start potty training at her own pace.
2. Go above and beyond and celebrate every small little accomplishment. We clap, give her a high five, give her a big hug and just go over the top every time she uses the potty. She runs in our room telling us she pottied every time she does it, and you can tell she is just so excited! We make sure to match her excitement with our own.
3. Reward them. I’ve heard that M&Ms work well. Leighton can’t have sweets though so stickers have worked well for us. We keep them in her bathroom, and she gets to pick one out each time she uses her potty. Reward every accomplishment, but don’t punish or make a big deal when they have a mistake. It’s about positive reinforcement.
4. Try to be patient. Each child will learn at their own speed. If they can tell you’re stressed or upset, it will rub off on them too. Just try to relax and know that one day they will be potty trained. Until then, be their biggest cheerleader!
5. Remind your toddler to go. Leighton is so good at using Summer Infant My Size potty at home. But when she’s at daycare, or we’re at the park, or out and about running errands, she never tells us she has to go. That’s when we have to remind her. She is a toddler. She gets busy playing and won’t always remember. Different times work for every toddler, but on the weekends, I try to gently remind her every hour. You can even set an alarm on your phone or watch. I used to ask her if she had to go, but she would usually just say no, she didn’t have to go. I’ve learned that reminding her that she needs to potty works better.
No matter what stage your toddler is in their potty training journey, Pampers Easy Ups will make it so much easier. They are easier to pull on and off, they feel and look like big kid underwear, and they help encourage independence which can help with potty training. Right now until 10/13/16 you can get 2 jumbo packs of Pampers Easy Ups for $18 at Babies R Us. From 10/14/16-10/29/16, you can get a super pack of Pampers Easy Ups for only $24.99. What are your best potty training tips? At what age did you potty train your toddler?
P.S. Don’t forget to take the “Do You Know What to Expect While Potty Training?” quiz for a chance to win a $25 Babies R Us gift card and a pack of Pampers wipes. To enter just use the widget below and god luck! And then stop by and join the Pampers & Babies R’ Us Twitter Party next Wednesday, September 28 from 2:00pm CST to 3:00pm.
Thanks to P&G for sponsoring today’s post. Thanks for supporting the brands that support Walking in Memphis in High Heels.

such great tips! thanks for sharing 🙂
Sarah Lindner
These are great tips! I have some of my best friends about to have their first baby so I am definitely going to pass this along to them!
What great tips! I'm definitely sending this to my sister to help with her little one!
My best tip for potty training is to do it in the summer months when you have to have the least amount of clothes on makes it easier for the child to get them on and off by themselves and less laundry to do!
Potty training was definitely challenging and patience is certainly key!
xx Nina
love the pillow and pom pom bag!!
Sandy a la Mode
What a cutie! Also, the best baby room ever!
Love the decor in the room! I'm in midst of potty training as well and any tips would be most appreciated. One thing we do is set a timer on the phone for how long he sits there and since he loves and is fascinated by the DING, DING, DING sound the phone makes it makes it fun.
The "Do You Know What to Expect While Potty Training?" isn't linked on the blog post 🙁
Will def have to keep these tips in mind for the future!
I will have to remember these tips for the future! Thanks for sharing.
Great tips!
Potty training is so challenge, especially for the autistic kids, like my little one. I just started it for him 2 days ago. I let him watch Mickey Mouse or some songs on Youtube, and he was ok 😉
Fiona N
I am dreading the whole potty training thing.
love the all white decor in the baby room so chic
Simply Sutter
Oh man I have no advice as we are going through beginning training right now with our almost 3 year old. He's super independent and stubborn lol! He seems to have no interest either so as you said, we're just taking our time so we don't rush him. I would be elated though, because we are buying diapers for two and it does get expensive!
I'm firmly in the wait until they are ready camp 😉 not a fan of cleaning up the "accidents"
Bookmarking this post for my future parenting needs, as this doesn't apply to me yet 😉 xx Adaleta Avdic
Thanks for sharing! We are at the same stage and are trying to get her to start wanting to go. I think these easy up diapers will definitely help!
My tip is NOT to force them but wait and see until they are ready themselves.
We just started potty training and all I can recommend is PATIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've learned not to push too hard! Their bladders all mature at different rates. 🙂
To try and try and be patient is my best advice
A few things we used all the time was patience, consistency and positive reinforcement.
I took the quiz and got a result that said I got a little night owl 😉 Super true 😉
Thank You again for the chance
Fiona N
I haven't reached that yet with my little ones!
Good luck! I havent even thought about potty training since she's only 4.5 months but hope all goes well for you.
My best tip is to just relax and not push too hard. They will get it eventually.
Oh I would have to say my tip would be to put some books by the potty, and during the day make lots of trips to the potty for a story in hopes that something might happen while you are there.
We haven't started potty training yet, but could use all the tips for when we do!
the best tip I got was to be consistent
I got Principal of the Potty on the quiz
Always be patient with your little one.
Such a cute little babe!
I love these tips! We're about to start trying with Scarlett and I needed to hear all of this!
xx Lexi, Glitter, Inc.
What an adorable little nursery!
I love her little chair and pillow in the nursery! And I'm definitely going to bookmark this post for future needs 🙂
xo, Sara
I took the quiz and it said I was Principal of the Potty.
My best tip is positive reinforcement. We use a sticker chart. I also do little songs to make it fun.
Letting them go whenever they say that they need to go, even if they just tried & nothing happened!
principal of the potty 🙂
Principal of the potty!! My tip is to praise- go over the top with praise when they use the potty!
My best tip is to stay home the first few days of potty training. Also, patience!
I got 'Principal of the Potty'!
My tip is to block of a few days if possible to devote to potty training. Also, I got Principal of the potty!
I'm still potty training my toddler boy and the only advice i can give is to stay consistent & to be patient. some kids are different than others . some take more time…dont' give up hope…:)
My results are:
Principal of the Potty
You know the low down on potty training. You’re there every step of the way with your child; with games, encouragement and Pampers® Easy Ups from Babies “R” Us! Together, you and your child are ready to “do business” and throw a potty party. Click NEXT to find out what type of sleeper your child is and get more tips and tricks from Pampers®!
Jump right in and NEVER look back!!
Be patient it takes time!
Keep trying and find something that works for your kid
The quiz said I got the principal of the potty.
I learned that they will do it when they are ready 🙂
About to start potty training so no tips yet!