August 28, 2024

3 Ways to Organize Your Kids Snacks for Back to School

With the kids being back in school again, I feel like we are finally getting into the swing of things! This year’s schedule is getting even crazier this year. Since the kids are getting older, I feel like homework and sports takes up most of our school afternoons. We usually come back from school and only have about 30 minutes before we have to leave again. Then we get back home well after bedtime lol! It’s just this phase of life right now, so we are managing the best we can. What helps os much though it keeping things in the house super organized with a place for everything, and that includes the kids snacks.

With us rushing in and out of the house, it is nice to keep some on-the-go snacks on hand at the house. We use our deep kitchen drawers and these drawer dividers for some quick snack/treat options. It is nice because they knew exactly where to look. I love that the dividers are adjustable so I can swap things out as I need to. Since the drawers are so deep, they can really hold a lot! This is a quick way for then to get a snack without having to go all the way to the pantry or getting overwhelmed looking at way too many options in the pantry also when we are in a big rush.

This is another great way we store the kids snacks. These baskets are now sold out, but I linked some similar options. They are pretty big and tall so they can hold a lot. That’s a bonus, but also make sure to rotate snacks from the bottom to the top so they can see everything and nothing goes bad. But I love that I don’t have to refill it often. It’s a great little grab-and-go area for them to pick out their favorite snacks and take with them.

kitchen organization essentials featured by top US lifestyle blogger, Walking in Memphis in High Heels.

Lastly, we use these pretty baskets and label clips. These really come in handy! When Grayson was younger, it was so nice for him to have his own little snack area with his name on them when he was eating toddler food. Now we use them for everyone’s food and snacks. But I love that you can easily and quickly label what’s in them, and the kids can have their own snack bins to go to. It can help cut down on arguments too when someone eats the last of a certain snack. = ) We also recommend whole, nutritous food first like meats, cheese, fruits, veggies and nuts, but I love having options on hand for the kids so they can have some treats too. How do you organize your snacks in the house?


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