It’s no surprise that I’m obsessed with Bridgerton. Mary Kate got me hooked a couple years ago, and we binge watched all the seasons while on a work trip lol! It was such a fun week! Not only do I love Bridgerton, but I love flowers, hosting, getting dressed up and pretty much anything girly. That’s when my idea to throw a Bridgerton themed tea party came up. It combines all my favorites! If you’ve been wanting to throw one too, keep reading for my favorite tips to make it very Bridgerton my gentle readers. = )
1.) Choose what tea you want to serve for the tea party. It is great to offer a variety of different teas and flavors for your guest, and don’t forget the condiments. Everyone loves different tastes, but some popular ones are honey, sugar, milk and cinnamon.

2.) Have drinks other than tea for people who don’t like tea. I made fruit infused water, but juices are another great option. Some people even serve champagne too.

3.) Don’t forget the food. Finger foods like sandwiches, scones or other sweets, clotted cream and jams are very common. You can make it as easy or as decadent as you would like! It also depends on the time of day. If you’re having the tea party during mealtime, you will want heavier foods.

4.) Set the table like a pro. Place settings matter. Don’t forget your plates, silverware, napkins and tea cups or mugs. Your place settings really set the tone for a tea party.

5.) Add your favorite Bridgerton details like vases, flowers, a fancy chandelier or lamp, candles or other pretty floral details like pillows. I just had to add in my favorite Mackenzie Childs pieces to add a touch of classic yet whimsy. You might even want to dress up in true Bridgerton style like this pretty dress. = )

Have you thrown a Bridgerton themed tea party before? Do you have a love for tea and Bridgerton too?