Y’all know I’m not big into new year’s goals or resolutions. It is just a lot of pressure, a ton of things to work on, and more often than not, the majority of them aren’t completed. I like to keep it simple when it comes to this. The best way to meet a goal is to make it a habit. And the best way to make something a habit is to be consistent and specific with what it is you’re wanting to do. To keep it simple, my word for this year is health.
There are SO many reasons why I love this word. It can refer to so many things, and I want to be specific about those things. You can’t be too vague when you’re trying to reach your goals. You want to be specific. When it comes to my word health, I want to be healthier with what I put in/on my body. That includes the foods I eat, the things I drink, the sleep I get, and the products I use. That means not stretching myself too thin and not always saying yes like I have a tendency to do. I want to be healthier in my relationships. That includes my marriage, my children, my friendships and my employees. I want to focus on emotional intelligence, understanding and grace. I want to make sure I am being the person that I want to be and that would make my children proud. It’s much more important to be kind than to be successful and burning the candle at both ends.
Quarter 3 this year was really rough. It started really busy with me prepping for holiday in September and October, and then it wrapped up with me still shooting and working on drafts and content just a few days before Christmas. It was too much. Too much work, too much pressure and just too much. It was leaving me stressed, anxious, disconnected and burned out. I have always been a workaholic and very driven, but I’m trying to learn that being successful comes in so many different forms. What is the point of being successful if you’re stressed out and aren’t having the real life connections that you really want?? We work to live, not live to work.
I am mainly saying this to myself as a reminder so I can come back right here and read this to encourage and remind me of how I’m feeling and how I don’t want to feel next year. I very rarely talk negatively, but I really wanted to open up today so you see all sides and know that it’s normal, and stress and anxiety happens to everyone. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns all the time. = ) I hope you’ll join me this year picking a word that you want to focus on for 2025. I would love to hear what it is! Happy new year!