August 8, 2024

Back to School Pictures for 2024

My sweet babies are starting back to school! I cannot believe how summer flew by! They really do go by quicker each year as the kids get older. They are so excited though, and I’m excited for them! Leighton loves her teachers already, and I’m excited to see what Amelia and Grayson think about theirs too. I am sure they will love them, and I am sure they will make so many new friends this year. It’s so fun watching them grow and change every single year. = )

Leighton is in 4th grade, Amelia is going into 1st grade, and Grayson will be in 3-K! So we had to snap our back to school pictures to commemorate this special moment. I love looking back on them every year and comparing them to see how much they have grown. Photos really do make the best memories. I will cherish these sweet photos of them forever!

Leighton and Amelia thought it would be so fun to grab a balloon for 4th and 1st grade, and I think these images really show off their fun personalities!

That’s a wrap for summer! Here’s to a happy, great 2024 school year! I can’t wait to see what all is in store for them. Have your kids started back to school yet?


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