April 5, 2013

Fruit Dip Recipe – Chasing Happy

Happy Friday!!  This time tomorrow I will be on my way to STL with Meredith, woohoo!!  We just met for the first time in February at a 10K, and I’m stoked to get to run (behind her) again!  Follow me on instagram to see all my pictures this weekend and see how my run goes!!  And guess what else – this is my 100th post today!!  How did that happen so quickly?!  Please go vote for me today if you don’t mind. It takes less than a minute; I promise. I’m in 3rd place now (barely), and I need to be in the top 5. You can vote every 24 hours for the next 5 days. Thank you so much!!! Don’t forget to enter the giveaways here, here, here and here that end this weekend! 

Have yall met the beautiful Kenzie yet?!  She is so, so sweet and blogs over at Chasing Happy about a variety of things – which I love!  She talks about faith, food, fashion, fitness and decorating!  My favorite things!!  Take a minute to stop by and say hello if you get a chance.  = )  See yall on Monday, and wish me luck on my run!

Hi there, I’m Kenzie! I blog over at Chasing Happy, talking about all the things in life that send me into a giddy tailspin. Let’s be friends, yes?


I’m super pumped to be here on Walking in Memphis in High Heels today. Laura is a doll, doncha think? She’s so sweet, she’s even letting me share this (ridiculously easy and just as ridiculously delicious) recipe with you sweet things. I originally found this on Pinterest (oh Pinterest, you’ve made my life so much tastier!), but I’ve since adapted it a bit. I know the combination sounds a little different, but trust me… it’s like an orgasm in your mouth. Seriously. So, so good.


Ok, enough gushing. Let’s get on with it.






1 Oikos Greek yogurt cup – vanilla


1 spoonful of peanut butter


1 spoonful of honey



 Are you ready for this?


Open up the yogurt and plop it in a Tupperware.

Add the peanut butter.

And the honey.

And a shake or two of cinnamon.

Now mix it up.

And enjoy! It’s really that easy. And Oh. My. Goodness. Delicious! Dip apple or pear slices, or throw in some berries and granola for a yummy breakfast parfait.


Eat up, lovelies!


I’m linking up today with Jean and Andrea.

23 thoughts on “Fruit Dip Recipe – Chasing Happy”

  1. This is my FAVORITE fruit dip! I'm obsessed with Pink Lady apples, and they are simply AH-MAY-ZING when paired with the fruit dip!
    Can't wait to hear how the 1/2 went. I'll be stalking IG for updates from both you ladies! 🙂
    Happy Friday!

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