May 17, 2013

Eyeopener 5K


Happy Friday everyone!!! I’m typing this from in the bed on my iPhone…not even kidding. ; ) I’ve got a lot of house stuff to do including cleaning, packing and then ok going to get a mani and a pedi. You can’t go to Vegas without your nails done, right? Right. There are 5 giveaways going on right now (here, here, here, here and here), so make sure you enter those by this Sunday, and I’ll announce the winners Monday from Vegas. Hopefully I’ll be a winner too. Though I’ve already determined its pretty hard to win at gambling when you only have about $11 to spend. You never know though. ; )
This post is a week behind since my mom did her fitness journey post last week. Now this is my recap of the last 5k we did, the Eyeopener 5K. This is the 5th  Eyeopener, and I’ve ran it every year. This race raises awareness for drowsy driving and raises money to go to a scholarship fund that is in my boss’ son’s name. She and her sister organize it every year, because of this, we usually have a few people from my work run it. I usually run with the same people from my work – Jamie and Tony, and my mom too. I usually don’t do very well at this race because it has always been at Shelby Farms – a huge park in Memphis that is very hilly and the course is out in the open (i.e. sun.) This year they had it at Overton Park which is completely flat and is a trail that winds through the woods mainly. I loved this course for running.
My friend Jamie is the one in the best suit. Go Grizz!! #BelieveMemphis It started out cold but quickly warmed up that morning. He stayed behind me the whole time, which I’m sure is only because he was probably 307 degrees in that suit. Yes, he ran the entire race is that winter coat. I stayed right behind my other friend Tony for the first couple miles. I think we helped each other pace ourselves. Unlike all of the other 5ks I’ve ran this year, this one felt great. It reminded me of the half marathon, except I had no knee pain this time. I felt like my breathing was great, and I didn’t even feel like I was going to die when I finished. I felt like I definitely could have pushed myself a little harder. When I came up to the finish line and saw my time, I was definitely hard on myself wishing I would have tried just a little bit harder. I believe my official time was 26:10. I was just about to hit publish, and then I realized I forgot to say that I placed first in my age group! 26:10 is what the race and my armband said, but once again I turned my GPS on about 15 seconds before we started the start line. So I call foul. In my mind in subtracting those 15 seconds. This race was chipped so I’m not sure why it said that. I know, I’m pitiful subtracting 15 seconds but every little but counts and it helps me sleep at night. ; ) That would make my time 25:55. My best time ever was 25:52 last June. Every other 5k was at the fastest 27:something, so it was quite an improvement. Either way, this was my second fastest time ever whether it was 25:55 or 26:10. Is everyone else hard on themselves when they see their time and think “if I would have just ran 4 seconds faster, I would have set a PR”? I guess it’s only human to think like that. I think in small doses it’s good because it will just push me to hopefully run faster in my next 5k in June, but I don’t want to dwell on it. We will have a team of about 10 people doing this one together including Holly, Janessa and my SIL Lindsey. And maybe even a few more of my friends I’m trying to convince. If that’s not pressure, I don’t know what is. ; ) Have a wonderful weekend, and I’ll be back with another post on Monday. Have a great weekend!Today I’m linking up with Ashlee and Jean.


11 thoughts on “Eyeopener 5K”

  1. Yeah you're definitely too hard on yourself. You improved from the previous one. Rejoice like me!!! Haha! You did GREAT!!! 1st place in your age group!! And I think Jamie should have got a prize for the best costume for sure!

  2. Congrats on your first place finish! I ran this race several years ago since my brother-in-law also helps out with the race (Kyle was his best friend). Every time I read your posts about running I'm so encouraged to get out there and run off my baby weight. Thanks for all the great posts!

    Brittany @ Everyday Thoughts

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