July 30, 2013

Trend Spin Week 9 – Animal Print





Yay, it’s Tuesday and I’m done taking my certification exam!!  I’m not sure how I did; it was 4 hours and was a tough exam.  I’m work in credit, and there was a lot of legal terminology and procedures on the exam.  Half of the exam was involving things that I don’t do in my current position, but I tried my best.  Either way, it’s over for now, and grad school doesn’t start back for 1 month, woohoo!  I still can’t believe August is only a couple of days ago.  Where has this summer (year) gone?!  We had 3 days last week that have been in the lower 80’s.  It has been a strange year temperature wise.  I got out yesterday to pump my gas and almost thought it was fall with the way it felt outside.  It’s makes for some nice nights out on a patio at a restaurant or a screened in patio.Thank you so much for stopping by the Trend Spin Linkup with The Fashion Canvas and myself!  First of all, I want to thank everyone who has been linking up.  I appreciate it so, so much and also respond back to every person via email who is a reply commenter (make sure you are by doing this.)  If you are set up as a no-reply commenter, you don’t get any of my responses delivered to you.  = (  If you linkup today, I would absolutely love for you to leave me a comment so I can thank you for stopping by!  = )  Today’s trend is animal print!  I just recently got my animal print clutch, and sadly it is the only item I have that is animal print!  Sad, I know!  I did wear an elephant bracelet; does that count?  Show us how you wear it – a pair of flats, a bow in your hair, a bow print dress or an entire outfit. It doesn’t matter what clothing item it is or where it’s from; we’d love to see it. Here are our top 2 bow looks from last week!

Featured Bloggers in Bows

Next Tuesday’s trend will be metallics, so please come link up!

Non-Boggers: All non-bloggers will be able to submit photos to Trendspinlinkup@gmail.com. We will then select one photo each to be our featured reader of the week on the day of the linkup!
Bloggers: All bloggers will be able to submit their post links via the inlinkz widget below every Tuesday at 7:00am with their take on our trend of the week. This will allow bloggers to show off their personal style, find new followers and meet some great fashionistas! You will also have the chance to be featured on our blogs the following Tuesday! So grab the button and link up. = ) For all bloggers we simply ask that you please follow your 2 hosts and your cohost of the week – Walking in Memphis in High Heels, The Fashion Canvas and Here & Now (the first 3 links in the linkup) and provide a link to the Trend Spin Linkup in your post or add the button below to your blog. Don’t forget to stop by the The Fashion Canvas and Here & Now to see how they wore their trend today. Then spread the word. Thanks, and see you next week in metallics!




Featured Readers in Animal Print

Maggie // Andrea

Linking up with Lauren.

Photography by Pea Pie Photography.

42 thoughts on “Trend Spin Week 9 – Animal Print”

  1. I'm also in awe that it's almost August. This year has flown by. I'm sure you did great on the exam! I need to get some animal print in my wardrobe. I have NONE. Crazy, right?!

  2. Adorable! Love how your outfit is still summery with the leopard print clutch. I really want a leopard clutch! Congrats finishing your exam. I can't believe it is almost time for school to go back. Yuck!


  3. I really like that clutch!! I've never been an animal print llover, but this year there's so much to choose from, that I've purchased quite a few things this year.
    Have some posts on my blog with animal print.

    Today I'm wearing trendy yellow. Hope you pass by!



  4. 1. Congrats on being done with your test! I know you were stressing about it. I hope you passed…update us when you know!
    2. How is this clutch the ONLY animal print you own?! Its adorable but we need to incorporate more because you can totally pull it off!!


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