My friend Jade and I have teamed up together for one of the most exciting giveaways I’ve done yet! Jade and I are both new moms, and we also went through IVF together. I have met so many encouraging and helpful people along the way throughout my IVF pregnancy that I wanted to do something to help someone else out there too. Since I’m a new mom, I am also still learning what products are must-haves for a new baby, and this one is definitely one of them! Leighton used the RockaRoo for 3 months straight every night, and she would still be in it today, but we went ahead and bit the bullet and transitioned her to her crib last week. I’m going to be honest, I was scared to death to put her in the crib, but it only took one rough night, and she has been sleeping 11 hours straight since then. Woohoo!! = ) To enter the giveaway, all you need to do is just go to the giveaway image here on instagram, like the photo, follow all 3 of us and then tag 3 friends in the comment section of the picture on instagram. Good luck, and remember you can enter for a friend too!

11 hours?????? Please tell me how you did this!
My first slept for 11-12 hours nightly from 6 weeks old. My second didn't sleep all night long until she was over a year old.
Wooohh! I am so excited to win this 🙂