I am so happy we are one day closer to the weekend! This work week has been crazy busy, and I’ve had to do a lot of traveling too. I’m in Arkansas for a sales meeting today, so it makes for some long but exciting days. I am ready to enjoy some beautiful weather this weekend and hopefully do some swimming with Shane and Leighton. Leighton is almost 8 months old so I wanted to give a little update on our baby led weaning and what products we are using right now. We just recently got a new high chair from Baby Bjorn, and we love it. It is a good height for most tables, small and compact, and it even folds up for space saving. My favorite things about it is that it fits snug to her body so we don’t wind up with food all in the high chair. The top of the tray can also be removed to rinse off. And the tray folds down and up to easily get her in and out of the seat while still being strapped in. It also has a modern, sleek and neutral look to it. It is perfect for baby led weaning because it wipes clean so easily too. I also cannot say enough good things about her new Baby Bjorn bib. Instead of just a few difference sizes to adjust to, it has numerous notches so you can get a snugger or looser fit if you prefer. I also love how the trim of the bib looks like pearls. It is great for catching all the food that falls, and Leighton will grab the food out of the bib and eat it too lol. We also love using our Posh Play Mat for both indoors and outdoors eating (and playing!) It is hot pink, monogrammed and even matches all her pink Baby Bjorn stuff. Leighton had been using her Num Num Dips for the last couple months but just tried her new Baby Bjorn spoon for the first time this past week. It worked great. It was her first time using a big girl spoon, and she did awesome. She turned it upside down and was able to get everything out of it. She is growing up much too fast. She still doesn’t seem to know what to do with the cup yet, but I’m sure she will figure it out before I know it.
Leighton started eating solids at 6 months (in addition to her milk each day.) She LOVES eating! She has now had avocado, green beans, orange, asparagus, banana, watermelon, sweet potato, mashed potato, grilled chicken, broccoli casserole, broccoli, pita bread, eggs and omelet. We plan to add in even more foods this month as she is getting so much better at being able to handle most anything we give her. We still sit her food on her tray, hand it to her or give her pre-loaded spoons (instead of us doing the spoon feeding.) She feeds herself, and I can tell she definitely loves the independence. It allows her to eat what we eat, and it really allows her to try new things and see how she likes them and make that decision on her own. So far she hasn’t turned down a single food. It has also been fun seeing her using a spoon by herself since she was 6 months old. She is so good with it and doesn’t even miss her mouth anymore when she is aiming to take a bite. I would love some recommendations of what foods to try next since she will be 8 months old next week. Has anyone else done baby led weaning? What are your baby’s favorite foods to eat? Favorite products at 8 months?

Very cute one,.. I loved the color,.. your baby is sooooo cute,….
My son is turning 6 months in 2 weeks, I'm so excited to introduce more foods!!! So far he adores vanilla yogurt and sweet potatoes.
Oh my goodness, she is just the CUTEST and that bib is adorable!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
You are doing a great job – that is a fantastic selection of foods. I did baby led weaning, my girls are now 2 & 3 years old and are the best eaters! They don't refuse anything.
My # 1 piece of advice (and it seems you've done this) is don't start with sweet foods. They will develop a taste only for sweet then will refuse savoury. Also don't give any food with added sugar or glucose!
Have you tried steamed fresh fish? My girls loved it & it's a nice soft nutrient dense food.
X Allison @ http://www.thetallmamastyle.blogspot.com.au