As most of you already know, mine and Leighton’s nursing (and pumping) journey came to an end a few months ago at 14 months. It seemed like such a long journey that was such a big part of her life, but when I look back at it now, it seems like it began and ended in just the blink of an eye. I will always cherish those moments where time slowed down and it was just she and I together though. You can read my first post at Memphis Moms Blog about breastfeeding here.
With Earth Day just right around the corner, it is the perfect time to donate an old electric breastpump that you might have and no longer need. Since I stopped pumping at work a few months ago, I’ve decided to go ahead and recycle my pump with Medela Recycles. Medela covers the shipping costs to recycle your old electric breastpump that you no longer use (Medela does not reuse parts for manufacturing) through their recycling program. All you have to do is fill out a few lines of information on their site, and you will be able to print out a shipping form to recycle your pump. It’s that easy. = )
I used my Medela Pump in Style Advance pump occasionally, but my favorite pump that I used every single day was my Medela Freestyle Deluxe pump. Pumping was not fun for me. It was nonstop work, but it was so nice knowing that I was doing something so good for my baby while I was at work or was traveling out of town. The freestyle deluxe pump definitely made it a little easier though. It is completely hands free and runs off a rechargeable battery. I could walk around the house and make the bed, do dishes or laundry or anything else while pumping. I would pump every single day on my drive to and from work too. I just used it along with my handsfree bra, and it made all the difference in the world. I even used the Medela car charger to charge up my freestyle while I was traveling out of town.
I’m so excited to be teaming up with Medela today to give away a Freestyle Deluxe Pump. To enter, just use the rafflecopter widget below. What was your favorite breastfeeding moment? My favorite moments were those when she would look up and smile at me while nursing. I will never forget those pretty eyes and that smile and knowing that in all the world, she only needed and wanted me at that very moment. With her busy toddler life, I now see how special those moments were. They forced me to just slow down and only focus on what mattered in that moment.
Want to learn more about Medela and other mother’s experiences with Medela? You can check out their videos here.

Those smiles are the best!
My first baby is coming in less than 6 weeks!
I've nursed the last 3 years…although some days it felt like it would never end I'm so grateful I was able to share do many snuggles, smiles and milk with my babes!
I love having those few moments of your day together that only the two of you share !
Such a great idea!
I love the one on one bonding time with baby!!
I am having my second Baby on Friday! I would love the hands free pump! It would especially be useful when I return to work because I am in and out of my car all day! I work in Home Health as a Physical Therapist.
I am pregnant with my first due in September. I cannot wait to nurse my baby! This pump would be amazing for me since I will be a working mom.
My first baby boy is coming in 7 weeks– I'm looking forward to the time just he and I will have together!
I am nursing my 17-month-old as I type this. She recently started saying "thank you, mommy" when she's done and it totally melts my heart!!
Being able to nurse at all is my favorite part. After having Raegan be unable to nurse because of her cleft palate I was devastated. When Hudson took to nursing so naturally I cried tears of joy. I finally got to nurse my baby.
My first baby is due late this June. I cannot wait to begin our breastfeeding journey once he arrives. I hope that a Medela pump helps us continue our journey once I return to work after maternity leave.
My favorite nursing moment is when my baby would rub on my face or chest while I nursed. I thought it was so sweet because they felt so loved and comforted in that moment that they loved on me back. (I've breastfed 3 babies and a 4th is on the way.)
I had a breast reduction in 2011 so my favorite part about breastfeeding is being able to breastfeed. Also love how my body makes antibodies for my little one when he is sick and we are nursing I love to pump to have my freezer stash while I'm at work to get my baby all the effects of breastfeeding
I love feeling like I'm doing the very best I can for my baby, even if it's really tough sometimes! Baby number 3 due in August and I'm in need of a new pump so this would be such a blessing!
I love the closeness and bond that you feel when breastfeeding, as well as the amazing health benefits!!
I am due on May 16 with my first baby. We've been praying to have breastmilk and to have enough to feed him hopefully for more than a year. I'm excited to breastfeed because of the connection between the mom and the child which I believe is priceless.
I love the bond I would feel with my children every time I fed them. I also loved that I didn't have to do more dishes (bottles) and that my babies rarely got sick while nursing.
Definitely the bonding my son likes to hold my hand while he's breastfeeding so I take that in every time ❤️
My favorite breastfeeding moment is the first latch. It's so magical!
This looks like a such a great pump! Really looking forward to trying it!
My little one still can't figure out a bottle. I come home everyday on my lunch break and feed her. It has made going back to work bearable, and we are still able to connect and snuggle during the day. I love our time!
My favorite moment was Christmas morning knowing I had the best gift ever right in my arms!
My favorite moment was the quiet time I got to spend with my little boy. He was so snuggly and happy when we nursed.
I did know that they recycle! I have one pump that stopped working because of prolonged use, will be recycling it. And hoping to win the giveaway, another baby is on the way 🙂
My favorite moment so far has been knowing the comfort she finds in nursing.
Just the satisfaction of giving my baby all she needed to get those nutrients to grow! I LOVED breastfeeding my baby! I was the best! Sad i could only do it for 3 months. I was lucky I had a friend that let me borrow a Medela pump and I'm due in July and I still don't have a pump! This would be the best to win! Thank you so so much for the chance.
I think my favorite breastfeeding moment was when it all finally clicked! We went three months with a breast shield and I was losing my mind. Went to an LC who suggested getting LO's lip tie clipped. We made the appointment, and he was nursing like a champ minutes after the procedure! The relief I felt knowing I would never have to use that shield again with the satisfaction of being able to calm my baby down after a painful procedure made me feel wonderful and so glad I stuck it out!
I am due with my first baby in about 5 and a half weeks. I am planning on breastfeeding and have heard great things about Medela pumps!
Expecting my daughter in August and looking for tips and info about breastfeeding.
My son was never able to latch correctly so I've been exclusively pumping since he was 5 weeks old. However, he was born premature and seeing him chunk up from 4lbs 14oz to over 20lbs now in 8 short months is truly amazing. We haven't had to supplement with formula since bringing him home from the hospital and I'm thankful for that every day. I'd love to have another breast pump because I have put mine through the ringer and I'd like to keep pumping well past a year.
My absolute favorite thing about nursing is knowing that my son knows I'm there for him and always will be. I don't feel like a food source to him. He is awesome in every way seeing him look up at me or him twiddling with my hair or rubbing my face melts my heart! Congratulations on your breastfeeding journey! I'm so excited to see how long mine will last 🙂
My favorite part so far is the bonding time with my new little man 🙂
We've had a tough time with breastfeeding so any time I get a smile I love it. 🙂
My favorite story is my brother and his wife are college students. Even though he has a early shift at work he will bring the baby to her when it wakes up so she can get the most rest for the day. It has strengthened their relationship even more. ♡
My first baby is due in about 6 weeks, and I'm looking forward to bonding with my baby through breastfeeding!
The special bond between me and my baby
She comes to me for comfort. She scared herself when she fell the other day and when I hugged her she twisted around with her mouth open trying to get nursies. I laughed. I cried. I made it all better. I am so excited that I can do something about a scared and upset crying baby. Because it's the saddest thing in the world.
Expecting my first in December. This would be great to have and a great start to the long list of baby items needed. Thanks!
I love that I get my baby boy back as soon as he is hungry regardless of which family member is holding him. Sometimes you can miss your baby when he is in the same room because the family has been holding him all day long.
I don't have any memories yet, but can't wait for them to begin! Expecting my first baby in June! Thank you for the awesome giveaway.
I'm due June 22nd with a baby girl, so I don't have any memories yet but I can't wait to make them!
I'm due June 22nd with a baby girl, so I don't have any memories yet but I can't wait to make them!
The smiles and happiness is the best (:
Love that's she's playful now! Looks up and smiles…melts my mama heart!
I exclusively pump for 13 months so my favorite memory was probably watching my husband feed the baby. We had so many moments of snuggles it was so heartwarming to watch him experience that bond! Can't wait to do it for our next! ????????
I haven't had any yet, as I am researching and learning more and more about it! I can't wait for that first intimate moment!
i must do it in few weeks, my baby need milk for the playschool 🙂
I really love the bonding time and the "milk coma" look! It's so cute when they look so happy and dopey 🙂
I am on my third baby and my current pump has seen better days. I am in need of an upgrade and this would be perfect!
The bonding time!
I loved the bonding time. I didn't nurse long with my first, it just didn't work out well for us. But #2 is on the way and I hope to be better prepared and it go better this time!
This would be such a blessing!!!
I haven't started breastfeeding yet, but I look forward to the special bond with a future little one!
Expecting my first in June. Really hoping to make breastfeeding continue to work once I go back to work and having a limo like this would be awesome!
The 3am smiles have been my favorite so far! Thanks!
We are on our 2nd round of IVF and thinking positives thoughts!
My favorite part is locking eyes and you can feel the love your baby has for you.
The bonding and sweet quiet moments together
I love the bondi we share through nursing. And those "dreaded" late night feedings are my favorite! My 3 month old is always super snuggly and happy. Who could be upset waking up to a crying baby who instantly smiles as soon as he sees you ????
I love nursing to sleep and getting the extra cuddles. I breastfed my son for 2 years and am now breastfeeding his 6 week old brother.
I have a love/hate with pumping. I'm 6 mo in and some days it feels like a ball and chain (or flange and power cord), but I know I'm doing a good thing.
Such a great pump! I need this for my nephew's baby!
I nursed my first baby (my daughter Henley – now 2) until she was 13 months old. I'm on month 3 with my newest little one (Everly). I absolutely love the bond that it creates between us. I also love looking at their little fat rolls knowing that I, solely, am responsible for nourishing them. It's such a big responsibility and makes me so proud!
Being a working mom, breastfeeding is my primary bonding time with my baby. I even cherish the feedings in the middle of the night 🙂
I love giving my daughter the best nutrition possible!!
I always loved when my son looked up at me like I was the most amazing thing in the world.
For me it is the bonding that happens.
In an exclusive pumper and we are going on 9 months now!
I love when she reaches out to touch my face. Its the sweetest thing, she just wants me to look at her. Truth is, even if she didn't reach to touch my face, I'd still stare. She's amazing
I love having the special bond with my baby that no one else has!
My favorite was that first latch in the hospital. It was just like whoa! He totally just knows what to do. It's amazing.
Love that little milk mustache after a good feeding.
Middle of the night. Just the two of us.
Bonding with my babies!
I'm still pregnant with this little one, but in the past my favorite breastfeeding moment was being able to nurse on the porch in the summer, enjoying the sun and silence! It was so peaceful.
I'm still pregnant with this little one, but in the past my favorite breastfeeding moment was being able to nurse on the porch in the summer, enjoying the sun and silence! It was so peaceful.
I am pregnant with my first, but I am looking forward to breastfeeding and bonding with my baby!
Baby #2 is due to arrive any day now (April 27) so the two of us haven't started our journey just yet, but I have been talking about it a lot with big sister and that has been fun and funny! I want nursing and pumping and breasts in general to be natural and something that shouldn't be taboo for my girls. My big girl is excited to be able to snuggle with me even while baby is eating and I can't wait for that also.
The first latch!
Those silly and sweet sighs of relief after little one has latched and was inconsolable for everyone else… (yes, I totally feel like a boss when that occurs)
Thanks for a great review. Very helpful. I am due in five weeks.
Making it through so many tough times has been my favorite
I'm currently pregnant with my first and excited to be able to provide nutrients and bond with my sweet baby.
Breastfeeding was a great experience with my first. I'm hoping to have another successful time when our second little one comes along later this year. 🙂
The best part of breastfeeding my son is the struggles that we have had. I have undergone two surgeries recently back to back in the last 2 months. My supply has suffered quite a bit, but I am still able to give him some here and there. I am amazed that I am still producing some breast milk still. I had the same surgery after my daughter was born and that led to my milk drying up completely. I saw this give away and I almost lost my marbles! This is the kind of portability that I have needed! I want to increase my low milk supply and EBF again. With all the doctors appointments and dressing changes, and all the time I spend away from my son, this would be a god send! Lol I know that was lengthy, but my answer is my breastfeeding struggles. And that somehow I am still producing something, no matter how small that amount is.
My favorite part about nursing is that I'm the only person that can do it! I work A LOT so knowing I'm doing that for my babies means so much.
All the smiles and knowing it's the best thing I can give my baby
Baby two is comin in August and I love the close time and smiles!
Just the bond I get with my baby is the best moment!!! I didn't get to breast feed my first so it's amazing to be able to breast feed my 3 week old 🙂
Miracle baby girl due in July. This would be a blessing! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! xx
haven't personally had the pleasure of experiencing this for myself yet- but would love to win for my sister who is pregnant with her second baby!
Looking forward to using a pump for the first time!
I am a 1st time expecting mom of a baby girl due on 05/14/2016. I am looking forward to the bonding with my baby, skin to skin, gazing in her eyes & watching her smile 🙂 I looking forward breastfeeding my baby for the awesome bonding experience and the GOLD LIQUID MILK for baby. As I am a stay at home mom therefore my husband works to make that possible! I would like to pump so that he can feel that bonding and gaze into her eyes and share the same moments that I will be sharing with her.
The feeling of your baby on your body…nothing ever compares!
My first baby is due in June! I hope breastfeeding is a great bonding experience 🙂
I'm due in July and can't wait to bond with baby during feedings.
I love the bond and overcoming breastfeeding struggles and hitting milestones.
My favorite moment during breastfeeding was literally 5 minutes ago, when my 8 week old son finally looked at me while feeding, pulled off the breast and smiled at me! ��