January 18, 2017

Mamas & Minis Collective – Making Healthy Valentine’s Day Snacks with Your Toddler

On Me:  Leggings c/o // Sweater

On Leighton:  Leggings (old, love these!) // Top // Shoes c/o // Bow c/o
I told y’all it wasn’t too early to start thinking about Valentine’s Day!  Since Leighton isn’t supposed to have sweets and overly sugary things because of her teeth defect she was born with, we don’t give her candy.  And candy is usually a huge part of Valentine’s Day in today’s society.  We are trying to frame the holiday a little differently though so Leighton will think of it as a day for spending time with friends and family, showing people you love them and making a different kind of treat together – healthy snacks.  I’m excited to be teaming back up with my friends Lipgloss & Crayons, Sandy a la Mode and Chasing Davies for the Mamas & Minis Collective to show how we celebrate Valentine’s Day with toddlers.
Leighton and I spent last weekend together making heart shaped fruit kabobs, banana yogurt kabobs and heart shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  For the sandwiches, we used two different sized heart shaped cookie cutters.  I bought wheat bread and organic and sugar free peanut butter and strawberry preserves.  I used the large cookie cuter to cut out a heart of the bread.  Then I used the smaller one and placed it inside the large heart to cut a smaller heart.  This left a small heart about an inch wide that I used for the top layer.  Then I used the large cookie cutter to cut out a large heart, and I used that for the bottom layer.  Then I just spread peanut butter and jelly on them.  And since I had a small heart left over from the small cookie cutter, I just made her one piece with just strawberry preserves on it.  She loves strawberry!
For the fruit kabobs, I couldn’t find any really small cookie cutters, so I just used my knife to make a v at the top of the each strawberry to make them into a heart shape.  Then I put them on the wood skewers along with blueberries and pineapples.  For the banana kabobs, just slice up some bananas, put them on a small skewer, dip them in a healthy sugar free yogurt and then dip in granola.  All of these snacks are really easy and quick to make.  And Leighton loved helping me cut out the heart shapes, skewer the fruit, and then of course sneak bites of everything while I was making it!  What kind of Valentine’s Day traditions do you have with your family?  Make sure you stop by and check out how Carly, Sandy and Megan are preparing for Valentine’s Day with their toddlers too!

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