We recently celebrated Grayson’s 3rd birthday at The Little Gym!
Grayson’s 3rd Birthday at The Little Gym

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Grayson will be 3 tomorrow! I can’t help it, but I still call him baby Grayson. I just don’t think I”m ready for my youngest baby to grow up! He is so sweet and fun though! He is the most well mannered, silly and sweetest little boy! He loves to run around playing with his trucks, ride his bike outside, eat and watch trains on tv. He is always such a big helper to me too. He loves to be outside and to go and do things with mama. It is just the sweetest!

We celebrated him this past weekend with close friends and family at The Little Gym, and we had so much fun! He got so many toys, ate too much cake and ran around the little gym and played all afternoon. It was the perfect place for a 3 year old’s party! He got to run around and bounce, play, jump, swing and just be himself. They had a vault, bars, balance beams and several mats, wedges and even an inflatable trampoline. It was great because he got to run and play while the older kids could do gymnastics. They even did a few little games for the kids that they just loved!

We ordered this adorable cake from Smallcakes Collierville, and it was so good! It was moist and soft and gluten free too! It was hard for Grayson to sit still long enough to eat pizza and blow out his candles though. The party was a blast! I am still in 100% denial that he turns 3 tomorrow. But it is so sweet seeing him learn and grow too. His sisters adore him, and he loves them so much too. He is the perfect little caboose to our family. Happy birthday Grayson!