Happy Easter from WalkinginMemphisinHighHeels.com!

Shop the Easter Outfits
“He is not here; for He is risen…” Matthew 28:6 Happy Easter everyone! We are spending the weekend at my mom’s house and looking forward to having warm, sunny weather, playing outside with the kids and visiting with family. This is the first Easter in years that we will have good weather, and I’m so excited to see how much fun Grayson has egg hunting. We went on an egg hunt last week, and he had a blast and go so many eggs!

I’m hoping for a really low-key, relaxing weekend with family and the kids. After traveling for spring break and going back and forth between 2 houses, some time just relaxing at the house with the kids sounds perfect! What are your plans? How all do you celebrate with the kids? We go to church, do egg hunts and paint eggs. Hope everyone has a great day!