This is THE snack box for kids! It is on sale for $14.99 right now, it holds 8 different snacks, and it even has a handy little carrying handle. It’s not only functional, but it’s also so pretty! We packed it all summer long on road trips, pool days, park days and everything in between. It came in handy so much! And now that school is back in session and fall sports are here, you will definitely want to make sure you have this snack box now!
This little box is so versatile. It is so great for on the go, but you can also keep the top off and use it at get togethers for serving. It would be perfect for condiments and dips too. And it doesn’t just stop there. You can also use it for arts and crafts. Put different colored paint in each section or buttons, glue, colored paper, confetti in each and give your kids a fun little art project they can make. You’ll find yourself ordering these for more than just snacks this year! If you end up ordering it, let me know!