May 31, 2013

New Running Gear – Brooks & KushyFoot

I am back with a fitness post…finally.  I know, if it wasn’t for an occassional picture on Instagram, I would be worried yall might not even think I work out anymore.  I’m not going to sugar coat it, I have not been in the gym much this year, and I blame it on school.  Okay, so that’s not entirely true.  School has kept me crazy busy along with busy season at work and my certification classes I take for work too, but come on, I could definitely squeeze in at least 30 minutes a day, right?  I feel like this year has flown by, and has by far been the worse with me creating excuses.  Do you have those days (or months) where you just aren’t feeling it?  I’ve still been running though, but my weight lifting and bootcamp has seen a serious decline (like nonexistent.)  What do you do to get pumped up about going back to the gym?  I know how it is, once you start going again you love it and can’t imagine why you didn’t go for so long!  I’m more of an outdoors person and can’t even force myself to run on the treadmill anymore like I used to, but I need to get back in there for weights and abs.  I guess I could try on my bikini, and that should motivate me to lift weights…pronto!  Luckily, I’ve been eating pretty healthy, (aside from that Muddy’s cupcake and cookie I had on Tuesday at the Madewell event)  = ) but food is definitely only half the battle.  Diet and exercise work together.  I love doing my 5K’s because I have a few good running partners, but I’m thinking I need a gym buddy too.  Any takers?
Enough about my excuses and my slacking, but I just wanted to be honest with yall.  Running – yes, working out – slacking.  Luckily, yall are here to keep me accountable and I appreciate it!  I’m sure most of you saw the picture on Instagram over the weekend, but Shane and I got new running shoes!  Woohoo!  I have been a New Balance girl for about 5 years now, but recently decided to check out Fleet Feet thanks to my Memphis blogger friend Christin who works there.  I went in last month and they had me try a couple pairs of Brooks and some Aasics.  I had heard A LOT of good things about Brooks shoes, so I was excited to try them but nervous.  I had been an avid New Balance Minimus shoe wearer and was very keen on the fact that they weigh 4 ounces, were almost flat and had hardly any drop at all.  So, you can see my hesitation.  When I looked at the Brooks, they looked like flippers, and I was worried they would feel like bricks.  They were heavier and much thicker, but they were so comfortable.  I could have walked around in the store all day.  I usually wear a 6 in running shoes, but they recommended a 7 in these.  Honestly, I felt like I was going to trip over them when I went to run in them this weekend, but I quickly got used to it.  I feel like I’m on a springboard when I wear them.  Another difference is that the Minimus had an antimocrobial lining and were minimalist, so you weren’t supposed to wear socks with them.


That being said, I’ve gotten used to not wearing socks when I run since you’re not supposed to.  With these shoes, you are supposed to wear socks. Tell me again, why I got rid of all those running socks a couple years ago.  To go with my cushy themed shoes I wanted to try some of the awesome socks I’ve been hearing such good things about.  I tried a couple different pairs of KushyFoot socks and love them!  Now, I don’t know how I went without socks and thicker running shoes all these years.  I’ve only worn the socks and shoes on a couple runs so far, but I’ll let you know what I think about them after the Harbortown 5K next Friday night.  And speaking about the Harbortown 5K, I’m so excited Holly is coming in town to run it!  We should have a big, fun group!  I’ll post more about that next Friday, and then do a recap of how I do the following Friday.

I stole this picture from Mel, but she sent me a matching tank top like this.  Isn’t it cute?!  I love all the Ruffles with Love tank tops!  They are my go-to place for running tank tops in addition to this Hazel & Olive tank top and this mint colored one from Loft.  To help get me more motivated, I could really use your input on some of your favorite workout gear – tops, shoes, socks, shorts – I want to hear about it all.  Do you have Brooks shoes?  What do you think about them?  Though they don’t have workout shoes, they do have amazing shoes to wear out.  Don’t forget you can still get 25% off your first pair of shoes from Shoedazzle!  And don’t forget to enter the giveaways here, here and here.  Have a great weekend!


16 thoughts on “New Running Gear – Brooks & KushyFoot”

  1. Quite a few runners I know love their Brooks. I have a pair of the traditional – Adrenalines that I use for boot camp classes and wear arounds out (like walking around a theme park all day). So far I'm loving my Mizuno Wave Rider 16s 🙂 I have a pair of Newtons, but they gave me some terrrrrrible pain in the ball of my foot so I have put them on the backburner for a while. No time for injuries- marathon training just began!

  2. When I ran my first 5K a few years ago I went to fleet feet and got fitted. They put me in Brooks (I can't remember the model). I LOVED them! Then that sad day when they were finally worn out I went back to fleet feet and they put me in the same model, just the new year. They said that it would feel exactly the same. Unfortunately me and this new pair hate each other. I've struggled to make them love me like my old shoes and actually find myself dragging out my worn and broken down ones for important races. I'm thinking I may need to go back in and get fitted for a different model. Perhaps my foot has changed since baby #2. Who knows.

    Thanks for the sock tip! My running socks are shot and it was on my to do to find some newer and better ones before Harbor Town. PS, I follow Holly's blog too. I'm getting a little fan girl excited that I might see y'all at this race.

  3. Your brooks are way cutter than mine! I need a new pair so bad. They are my absolute favorite!! I love the tanks too, if we lived in the same place I would be your running buddy for sure!!


  4. I will volunteer to get your booty back in the gym 😉 Only after shopping though! Love your new kicks, I have had 2 pairs of Brooks now and they aren't the sexiest shoes I've owned, but I'm more concerned about comfort in that category. Good for you for continuing to run!


  5. I love my Brooks shoes and dont think I'd ever change them!! For the longest time I just wore regular socks but for the past year I've been wearing running socks and I def. can tell a difference. I dont think I could ever go with out wearing socks, I'd be worried I would get bad blisters. I absolutely LOVE all of the Ruffles with Love tank tops they are adorable. I want to order so many of them!!!

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