Happy happy birthday Grayson! I honestly cannot believe I was laying here in with a newborn in my arms 4 years ago. I cannot believe time has flown by so quickly, but goodness, we have already made so many amazing memories with Grayson! He has traveled more than most 4 year olds I know. He loves to go. He loves to snuggle. He loves all trucks, cars, machinery and equipment. He is such a great eater. He is so kind, sweet and helpful. He is super busy, smart, loud and full of energy! He’s honestly about 50% me and 50% Matt. = )

There is never a dull moment around Grayson, and he keeps us all on our toes. He loves his mom and dad so much and his sisters. He loves being the center of attention and making people laugh. He has changed so much over this past year. He is busier. He sleeps less. He eats even more. And he doesn’t ask me to carry him anymore. He is a really great little brother, and I couldn’t imagine our house any quieter or less busy without him. There is no way to put it other than he is our Grayson, and he never encounters a stranger. He loves to talk to anyone and anything no matter where we are. We are celebrating his birthday in the Smoky Mountains soon with family, and I think he is going to absolutely love it. I love you so much Grayson. Happy birthday!