January 8, 2013

Working It Out + Running Shoes Linkup

Bebe Silk Chiffon Tie Waist Top.  Sold out.  Similar style here on sale for $37.09
J. Crew Rhinestone Brass Locket.  Old, but you can find some other great ones on eBay here.

Good morning ladies!  Don’t forget about my giveaway that runs through this Saturday!  There will be 2 winners – 1 will win a free manicure, and the other will win a bottle of my new favorite nail polish, Orly Halo!  Also, I’m linking up with Covered in Grace, so be sure to check out the blog here.  I’m only a day behind, right?!

Covered in Grace

This past Saturday morning Janessa, Lora, Leigh Anne and I went to Sky Zone to do the 8:30am aerobics class.  I got there a little late and missed some of the warmup (which I heard was fun but pretty tough.)  What a great workout!  It was pretty much a total body workout, and the trampoline works more muscles because you’re trying to stabilize your body the whole time.  My obliques have been sore all week!  My favorite part was after the class though.  We did some freestyle jumping and tumbling, and of course we all had to jump in the foam pit.  It was like the first night after I got my Tempurpedic mattress all over again.  You just sink into and can’t get out.   Speaking of an ab workout, have you ever tried getting out of a memory foam bed?   It turned into a group effort in the foam pit, but we eventually all made it out.  It was good times, and I’m really looking forward to going again in 2 weeks (since I have an 8 hour class class next Saturday.  I’m not sure the MBA department understands the concept of an online class.)

Me .
Me with foam debris all in my face and mouth.

Me, Leigh Anne, Lora and Janessa.

Now, on to the linkup with Laura and Mel!   I have only worn one kind of running shoe for the last 4 years since I started running again.  I wear the New Balance Minimus shoe.  I buy a new pair every 6 months because I wear mine out quickly.  I always get whatever new road version they come out with.  They also have a great trail style.  I do 15 races a year, and I wear them for every practice run and race. I even wore them on my few hundred mile road bike races I’ve done for the last few summers.  They are really versatile and so amazingly lightweight.  They’re only 4.4oz!!  My whole life I always wore big clunky Nikes, but now you couldn’t pay me to wear a pair.  Even their so called lightweight shoes are still so heavy to me. I have small feet and really just prefer something small, lightweight and low to the ground. Won’t that make me more aerodynamic?  Less is more for me.  I even like the skeleton toe shoes too, and if you know me well, you know I walk around barefoot when I’m at anyone’s house.  My husband is the complete opposite though.  He has a high arch and really needs more supportive shoes, so I completely understand that lightweight, no arch shoes aren’t for everyone, but I think it’s at least worth a try!  Most New Balance stores give out 10 or 20% coupons occasionally, or you check out your local groups or clubs to see if they offer a coupon.  For example, Shane and I are members of the Memphis Runners Track Club so we get 10% off every purchase at the New Balance store in Memphis.  Make sure you check around for deals like this!  Membership is only $15 a year, and I save at least $1 per race.  At 15 races a year, that’s more than free!


New Balance Minimus Zero.  On Sale for $94.99
Also for my ladies in the Memphis area, please put May 4 on your calendar. I have done the Eyeopener 5K for the last 4 years, and it’s a great race for a great cause. You can read more about it here. This year they’re having a venue change and a date change, and I’m really excited. It will be at Overton Park, and it’s a great course. I’m getting a group together to run it, so let me know if you’re interested. Have a great day today and don’t forget to work it out!


21 thoughts on “Working It Out + Running Shoes Linkup”

  1. My weekends in May depend on B's softball schedule, but if we aren't playing I'll do the EyeOpener 5k with your group! Thanks for the shoe idea. I need to get new ones but I just haven't decided what to get yet!

  2. I will check my schedule and see If May 4th is open. I would love to join you. In college, I lived with my cousin Brandon. He and his best friend we're both killed while driving back to Memphis from visiting friends down at Mississippi State. I think this is a great cause!

  3. Thanks for doing the linkup! Now I'm going to have to take a closer look at NB….my list of trying different running shoes is growing! And seriously?! SKy Zone? I want that where I live! Sounds like a super fun way to get in a workout without actually feeling like too much of a workout 😀

  4. Ah! I just did a class at sky zone last thursday and LOVED it! I am bummed its 25 minutes from my house so its not likely I will be doing many more classes… but random ones here and there with friends will happen!

  5. Loving your blog AND this post! Looks like you ladies had a BLAST! Seriously, I might just have to buy my daughter a trampoline a little early now that I know it works your body so much 🙂 I never thought of it that way until you said that – interesting! Anyways, just found your blog from Shanna's link up! Yay for a Random Wednesday and YAY for a new blogging buddy 🙂 excited to be following along! Come say hi if you get a chance. I love making new friends 🙂

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