How precious is this matching outfit from Katie Bird Boutique, a natural children’s boutique. These adorable feather print leggings and onesie are organic and so, so soft. Now that Leighton is at a new daycare, she is constantly outside playing so I’m always looking for soft outfits that she can play in and be comfortable in. Katie Bird Boutique has some of the cutest organic clothing and not to mention natural products such as teethers and toothpaste. How adorable is this anchor footie, this feather footie or this wood teether? As a special treat, I’ve teamed up with the owner Katie to offer 20% off to your entire purchase to all my readers. Just use promo code Memphis at checkout. What is your favorite item from their shop?
I’m a few days early, but Leighton will be 11 months old next Tuesday. She loves taking things apart and putting them back together. She loves taking clothes out of the washer for me and putting them in the dryer, and of course she loves taking all of her clothes out of her drawers and her toys out of her toybox. She loves playing in her closet with her shoes (just like her mom.) She cruises everywhere and stands up, sits down, squats and stands back up. She pulls up holding toys in both hands and then switches hands. She will pull up, let go and then stand by herself for a few seconds before falling on her butt. She still loves pushing her walker all over the house, and she also loves pushing her ride-on toys around the house. Her favorite thing is still to ride in anything – her Mercedes, her cozy coupe, her rocking horse. She just loves to be on the go (like me once again.) = ) She still hates getting dressed and undressed and getting her diaper changed. We’re going to have to work on this not liking to get dressed thing though. She is my daughter after all. She hates getting into the carseat and arches her back and fights us the entire time. I’m hoping switching to a convertible carseat in a couple weeks will help! I wish we could find a mirror that would attach to the middle seat of a Tahoe where there is no headrest, because I think that would help her too. She still loves bath time. She still eats everything she has ever tried, but her favorite is definitely fruits and veggies and sandwiches. She did not care for the million types of sippy cups we tried out, so she has been drinking from a cup with a straw in it since 6 months. We finally found some great Take & Toss ones that come with a lid, and she loves those. They’re for 18+ months, but I like to think she is just advanced lol. = )
Her schedule is still the same. Bedtime at 8:00pm. Morning time at 7:30am. Bottle at 8:00am, 12:00pm, 4:00pm and 7:45pm. She eats breakfast about 9:00 and then takes her nap from 10:00 to 12:00. She eats lunch at 1:00 and then a snack at 2:00. She usually takes a nap from about 3:00 to 5:00. If she is asleep at 4:00, she just takes her bottle about 5:00 as soon as she gets up. Dinner is a 7:00. I get home from work at 6:00pm, so 7:00 dinner is just enough time for us to get everything ready. We ate at a Japanese restaurant a few weeks ago, and Leighton had gyoza dumplings. She loved them, and of course we loved the sushi. I feel like time is flying right before our eyes, and I can never quite get in enough time with her no matter what. I just count down until the weekend usually. We take a stroller ride almost every night around the neighborhood. I’m busy planning a party also. It is only 4 weeks away. Can you believe it?! What is your baby up to?

You seriously have the cutest child ever. And that's alllll I have to say. 🙂
I can't believe she is almost 1!!! So cute! You didn't mention anything about teething? Do you have no problems with them? If so, I'm jealous!
I recently discovered your blog through pinterest and I was so excited to see our daughters have the same name! My daughter Leighton's initials are LCA. Your daughter is so cute and sounds like she's growing up to be an amazing little girl 🙂