December 6, 2018

Top 10 Toys for Toddlers

Top 10 Best Toys for Toddlers to Buy this Christmas featured by top US lifestyle blog, Walking in Memphis in High Heels: image of a mom and daughter duo playing with holiday toys


In some ways I can’t believe it’s already December, and in others I’m like oh my gosh, it’s already 2019!  Lol!  = )  I’m sure you’re already starting to get the daily questions from friends, family and even strangers.  Well, have you finished all your Christmas shopping yet?  I’m like slow down, we’re only a week into December!  But they’re right, it’s time to get started on your Christmas shopping unless you want to be out in all the crowds and cold weather the weekend before.

I have got to where I do most of my Christmas shopping online, so it is pretty convenient.  The biggest part of my Christmas shopping each year is always Leighton.  Her birthday is in October so I always feel like she just got a lot of toys, and I feel like she is constantly getting special treats from October to December (Halloween through Christmas) so it’s sometimes hard to think of something to “top everything else.”    But they’re only kids once, so I figure let’s let them have some fun and enjoy the holiday season and open some big gifts.

What I don’t want to do though is buy another 3-4 toys for toddlers that will just be added to the pile of toys in her closet.  I want things she will enjoy, love and play with for years, but sometimes that is easier said than done.  Luckily, I’ve been searching for a while now for some of the best toys for toddlers (especially in that 4 year old range), and I’m sharing them with you today.  Many of them are great interactive gifts that are good for learning, developing their pretend play and also exploring the world around them.  Check them out above and let me know what your toddler’s favorite toys are so I can add them to my list too!

The Best Toys for Toddlers by Category:

Creativity – Kid’s Desk, Write & Learn Center

Pretend Play – Hatchimal, Picnic Set

Learning – Code-a-Pillar, Rocktopus

Building – Lincoln Logs, Squigz

Exploring – Tent, Hammock Chair

Top 10 Best Toys for Toddlers to Buy this Christmas featured by top US lifestyle blog, Walking in Memphis in High Heels: image of a mom and daughter duo playing with holiday toys Top 10 Best Toys for Toddlers to Buy this Christmas featured by top US lifestyle blog, Walking in Memphis in High Heels: image of a mom and daughter duo playing with holiday toys Top 10 Best Toys for Toddlers to Buy this Christmas featured by top US lifestyle blog, Walking in Memphis in High Heels: image of a mom and daughter duo playing with holiday toys


Top 10 Best Toys for Toddlers to Buy this Christmas featured by top US lifestyle blog, Walking in Memphis in High Heels: image of a mom and daughter duo playing with holiday toys Top 10 Best Toys for Toddlers to Buy this Christmas featured by top US lifestyle blog, Walking in Memphis in High Heels: image of a mom and daughter duo playing with holiday toys



Loving these best toys for toddlers? Click here now for more of my Holiday favorites!!

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