Hey y’all! I recently shared why I love being a girl mom over on my sweet friend Heather’s blog, so I wanted to share it with y’all today. Leighton recently turned 4 a little over a month ago, so I thought this would be the perfect time to share 10 reasons I love being a girl mom. = )
10 Reasons to Love Being a Girl Mom
1.) I love Leighton’s sensitivity. I’m pretty sensitive (but wasn’t always patient.) Leighton has taught me how to be patient, especially when it comes to kids. She has reminded me that sometimes she might just be having a bad day (like the rest of us) or need a hug. I love that she has that sensitive side. And on days when she’s just not feeling it or even sick, I get even more cuddles than normal because she needs her mama. = ) And I could totally be wrong, but I feel like if I had a son, he wouldn’t get shy and have me carry him all the time I secretly love it!
2.) Shopping with my mini. I don’t discriminate when it comes to buying clothing, but goodness do I love shopping for something with ruffles, boys and dresses. It’s just so much fun. Leighton has really got into shopping and what she wears lately and loves to have quite the say in it. I love that we can do this together and express our personalities by our sense of style.
3.) Doing each other’s hair. Leighton has started liking to brush my hair and even to try to braid it for me. She tries so hard to braid, and it just makes me smile. It makes her feel like a big girl, and I love that she cares so much and let her know how good of a job she is doing.
4.) Don’t judge me, but I totally love the girl toys! You’re never too old to play with Barbies, right?? It’s so much time watching her imagination when she plays and even joining in with her. It’s also so nostalgic buying her a Barbie or Polly Pocket or My Little Pony. Not only do I just love seeing her excitement as she plays with them in her doll house, but it reminds me of how magical it was for me as a child. I cherish those moments with her.
5.) The room décor. It was SO much fun decorating Leighton’s nursery and then even more fun decorating her toddler room. I can’t wait as she gets older to see what she starts liking. Right now we have a unicorn theme, and I think it’s so much fun decorating a room that honestly I wish was mine. = )
6.) Twinning. I honestly should have listed this as number 1 because I will never grow tired of it. I wonder how long I can get away with us matching before she tells me it’s not cool anymore. I’ll report back. = )
7.) Dancing, gymnastics, cheerleading. Give me all the girl things. So far Leighton seems to really love dancing and doing gymnastics. I’m excited to see if she still likes it when she gets older, and if she does, you better believe I’ll be right there helping her and watching her at games and competitions.
8.) I am always her mom first, but I love feeling like I have a mini BFF. And I hope that bond just grows even more as she gets older. I honestly feel like I’m raising my best friend some days.
9.) Girl talk. Right now it’s all about boots and bows and dresses and rainbows, but one day it will be about school and jobs and boys and friends. And I’m so excited to get to be a part of her life through all of this.
10.) Raising her to be a good person. I want to teach her to be confident yet humble, strong yet gentle, loving, forgiving, empathetic, hard working, adventurous and most importantly a Christian. I already think she has such a good heart and is so polite. Yet she can also be a little firecracker and let you know exactly what she thinks. I’m glad that she is confident in who she is. That’s the great thing about kids. They don’t really start to doubt themselves until other people do. But I hope she never does. I hope she always believes in herself and doesn’t lose her imagination, creativity, sense of wonder and confidence.
I would love to hear your favorite reasons for being a girl mom or boy mom. Let me know in a comment below!!

Being a mom is the best job in the world! Great post!
I can only dream of having a little girl! I’ll have to check this out again if it does happen! Twinning is totally on my list!
If I got to choose, I’d probably want to be a girl mom too! I love that you can twin, and play dress up and do each others hair… it’s just so fun!
Being a girl mom sounds so much fun! I would love to dress my future little girl and doing her hair!
This is the sweetest post ever! I hope I have a little girl someday <3
I’ve only ever been around little boys because I have 2 nephews, but being around little girls sounds like so much fun! Maybe one day I’ll be a girl mom too haha!
Oh my gosh being a girl mom sounds like the best!!! I hope I get a chance one day!!
Aw this is so sweet! I’ve always wanted boys, but girls sounds so fun too!
xx Mollie
Such a cute post -can’t wait to do this one day with my own!
YES to every single one of these xoox
I’m going to be a first time mom and we are having a little girl. She will be here no later then January 4th which will be a month early. I’m so nervous and worried about everything but reading this just now really helped! Thank you so much ?
Aww I love this! Such a sweet post!
This is such a sweet post, Laura! I think I would want at least one daughter, to have that special bond.
Aww this is so sweet! I’d love to have a daughter someday.
Awwww I love this!!! I finally have my girl after two boys and I’m so grateful!! I always wanted a daughter and I was that girly girl growing up who did the whole shopping/manis/girl talk etc. with my Mom so I always wanted a little girl to do the same. My daughter just turned one and I’m so excited for all the fun ahead!!
Yessss I love being a girl mom for a lot of the same reasons, especially the twinning!!
Love all these!! I am crossing my fingers to have a little girl one day 🙂