Shop Our Unique Halloween Costume Ideas for Couples:
Surprise surprise we actually decided to do a very similar costume this year as we did a couple years ago! We couldn’t help wanting to dress up as a couple together with the baby, so….yep Matt and Grayson are both lumberjack and I am a deer again. I did change it up a little for this year though!

I also wanted to share a couple of my all-time favorite Halloween costume ideas for couples from years past. Keep reading below to check out our costumes from 2019. They were the inspiration for this year! But of course we just HAD to add baby Grayson too!
A couple years ago, Matt dressed up as a lumberjack, and I dressed up as a deer. It was such a fun and cute costume! And all it required really was the leggings, the antlers and some face paint. My sister and her husband and their daughter dressed up as spiders in a web. They were adorable!

Fall is both mine and Matt’s favorite season, and a big part of why I love it so much is because of Halloween. I mean, how can you NOT like Halloween?! Hot chocolate, scary movies, candy, getting together with friends and family and s’mores! And dressing up as something super fun, getting free candy…there’s nothing bad about that!
I had seriously been racking my brain since last Halloween trying to think of what we could be for Halloween. Matt and I don’t usually dress upper Halloween, so this year I wanted to be something fun, but I also didn’t want to spend a TON of money on costumes we would never wear again!

We had the idea for Matt to be a lumberjack for a while, and it finally worked out this year… even though his beard is much shorter than it was this time last year for Halloween lol! I knew he already had the hiking books and all he really needed was a buffalo plaid shirt. You can also easily add suspenders or a trapper hat for even more fun accessories!
I was originally going to be a lumberjack with him, but at the last minute I decided to be a deer. Sticking with our outdoors and woods theme, I think it just worked out and was so fun! All I bought was these leggings and these antlers, and I had everything else in my closet.

For my makeup, my sister put some darker makeup for contouring on my forehead and my cheeks to darken it up a bit. She used black to draw my nose on, and then you can use a lighter foundation, concealer or even costume makeup and a brush to dot on the little dots on your forehead and cheeks. It took her less than 5 minutes and was super easy to do!
My friend and photographer, Mary Kate, and Ben dressed up as Maverick and Kelly! All they had to buy was the jumpsuit and the wings pin, but I think it was such a perfect and fun look for them, and they looked so cute! Honestly I think some of the looks that you created using a lot of pieces in your own closet end up being the most fun and unique!

Since Halloween is coming up in just a couple weeks, I wanted to share some really fun Halloween costumes meant just for couples! What will you be dressing as for Halloween? Does the whole family dress up each Halloween?
Shop Other Unique Halloween Costume Ideas for Couples: