With Leighton getting older (she will be 8 later this year!), she is in that in-between age group as far as style goes. She is starting to outgrow some things and keeps wanting to branch out some with her style. She is definitely entering the tween age group!

It can be tricky to find clothing and swimsuits that she loves without it looking too young or too girly. She is starting to love fun and older prints, and I have rounded up my favorite 10 tween girls swimsuits today. They are so cute for this age group, but could even work for girls a little younger and a little older too.

I am just trying to hold onto my first born being “little” as long as I can, and she keeps trying to grow up LOL! Y’all already know that we love Kortni Jeane and RuffleButts for swimwear, but I even found some adorable Old Navy and Target swimsuits too. Which ones are your favorite?

Aww love these! Such an adorable model! 🥰