Shop the Perfect Kids Outfit for Inexpensive Summer Activities:
Summer it is, and our kids are loving it! The first week or two, they totally have the time of their lives. And then all of a sudden…you guessed it. They say they’re bored. Al the time to do all they want, and they’re bored. Don’t worry, all you need are a few creative new ideas to get the kids outside and have tons of fun! Here are my top inexpensive summer activities.
10 Inexpensive Summer Activities
1.) Play in the sprinkler, water hose, splash pad, pool, or anything cool you have at home.
2.) Put on the kids’ rain boots and splash in the muddy puddles left over from #1. = )
3.) Ride scooters or bikes in the yard as part of a relay race. Use chalk or signage to label where the race begins and ends. Give sweet treats for their hard work afterward.

4.) Go on a picnic in the backyard or frontward. Make it unique and special though. Think drinks they love but don’t get often in cool cups with fun straws. Fun-shaped food with desserts will be a hit too!
5.) Make art with things found outdoors in nature. From twigs to leaves to flowers, Make art print.
6.) Set up a scavenger hunt outside. Hide items in different parts of the yard, and write out instructions for them to find them as they go along. You can make it easy, or you can make them more of a ride for older children.
7.) Go daytime camping in the backyard. Don’t forget the picnic lunch from #4 and some fun games, like a frisbee.

8.) Make homemade popsicles to enjoy outside. Freeze your favorite juices or water with added fruit to them for a cool treat.
9.) Build a backyard obstacle course. All you need is some rope or rocks or even chalk, and you can make your own little course for them to follow along. We used to do this all the time as kids in the living room, but outside is even more fun!
10.) Make water balloons. Not only do kids love this one, but it’s also a great way to cool off! And it’s super easy. It’s pretty mess-free and inexpensive too. Win-win!
Your activities don’t have to be expensive or elaborate, kids just love to have fun and need a little help or structure to guide them. You can do all of them at home in your own yard, and most of them are free or very inexpensive. It’s a great way to pass the time and give them something fun, active, and creative to do this summer instead of sitting in front of a tv. Which is your favorite?