August 10, 2022

An Easy French Braid Tutorial

easy french braid tutorial

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French braids have been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. I remember my mom standing up with me and making me sit still (for far too long it seemed like as a kid!) while getting my hair braided. And now with 2 girls, I too love doing French braids! They can seem complicated at first, but once you learn how to do them and get used to them, it is actually pretty easy. Keep reading below for my step-by-step easy french braid tutorial.

A French braid is essentially like a regular 3 section braid with a couple of differences. Instead of sectioning off all of your hair into 3 big sections, you section off only a small section of hair at the top front of the head into 3 small sections. The majority of the hair will be down still. The second big difference is that as you go down the head braiding, you will be pulling in an extra section of hair from the right when you pull from the right, and from the left when you pull from the left.

easy french braid tutorial

Easy French Braid Tutorial

1.) Take a medium-sized section of hair at the top of the head and separate it into three equal sections.

2.) Take the left small section of hair and cross it over the middle section.

3.) Take the right section along with another small section from the right and cross it over the middle section (the section that used to be on the left).

4.) Take the left section of hair along with another small section of hair from the left and cross it over the middle section.

5.) You will continue this pattern down to the bottom of the neck.

6.) Continue with a regular 3-section braid once you get to the bottom of the neck.

Each time you grab a section of hair from the right, you will pull and add in more small sections of hair from that same side as you go. This is what makes a French braid look different than a regular braid. Do you like French braids? Let me know if you try it out for the first time!


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