Shop the Family Photo Outfits
Looking for family photo outfits this fall and winter? Look no further! The moment I spotted the Madeline collection at Ivy City Co., I knew it was perfect for our fall/holiday family photos! You might even remember Leighton and I wearing them in blue recently here. I told you then, and I’ll tell you now still – these dresses are so great! I love how they fit. They are so flattering on everyone, and they come in several colors, prints and patterns. And they have mens and boys pieces to match too!

The girls loved twirling around in their pretty dresses outside. And I have to say – I am SO happy we took our photos back when the weather was in the 70’s and SO nice! It’s beats a picture when it’s freezing cold or so hot any day! We took them at one of our favorite areas where they kids could just run around and play and be themselves. That always makes for the best photos anyways when everyone can be true to themselves while having fun.

I even packed one of Grayson’s favorite trucks that my mom got him when he was born so he could play with it. He has so much fun picking up leaves and twigs and putting them in the back of the truck to “haul.” It was so cute! And when we finished, we went back to the zoo and ran some more energy out and enjoyed the beautiful day.

Those are my number 1 tips to taking family photos with young children. Schedule it first thing. Make sure everyone is fed and happy. Pack some toys and let them run around and play some while taking pictures. And then have something fun scheduled afterwards so they can relax and have fun when you finish. It made for an easy morning of getting some family pictures, and I can’t wait to see how our Christmas cards come out. Do you take family pictures in the fall for Christmas cards too?