Spending Valentine’s Day inside? Here are some of my favorite Valentine’s Date Night ideas for home!

Valentine’s Day is almost here, and it’s on a weekday this year. That means we are having a date night in after the kids go to bed. = ) Don’t write that off so quickly! Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you still can’t have a special night in. My plan is that FIRST I am decorating the kitchen and putting up a little treat and snack board for the kids. That will give us some special time with the kids making them feel loved and like they are a part of this holiday. THEN after bedtime, you just need to put in a little prep work to have a romantic night in. Keep reading for my best tips.
Valentine’s Date Night Ideas at Home
1.) Disconnect and turn your phones off. You can play music on tv or Alexa, but keep your phones off. If you really want to document your V Day together. Take one pic together first, and then immediately put your phones up so there will no distractions. The important thing about Valentine’s Day is really just to let the people in your life know how important to you they are.
2.) Dress up like you’re going out. Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you have to put on the same pair of sweats or pajamas. Dress up like you’re going out on a date! It really does change your entire mindset.
3.) Set the mood with candles and flowers. Your husband may not care about receiving candles and flowers for Valentine’s Day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pick some up to decorate with. It really helps to set the tone. And candles are perfect for a candlelight dinner.
4.) Cook a new dinner together. Find some new recipes (that aren’t too hard or too out of your comfort zone, and try making them together.) You might end up with a new favorite recipe and a wonderful dinner to enjoy that you both cooked together.
5.) Pour some wine or make a mocktail together. Bonus points for trying another new recipe again! It’s such a fun way to be adventurous and try something new. And it will be fun doing it together. Before Valentine’s Day, I would recommend to already have your recipes in mind that you want to make along with all the ingredients so you’re prepared.
6.) Have dessert or chocolates together – If you’re feeling really brave, cook a dessert together. If not, go ahead and pick up one to-go from your favorite restaurant in advance. Or you can always go the chocolate route, yum! Either way, you can’t go wrong.

7.) Have a game night after dinner. You can always stick to your favorites like Monopoly or Uno, but I recommend thinking out of the box a little and buying the Ultimate Date Night Game or Never Have I Ever. There are some really good ones out there that would be fun and unique!
8.) Go for a walk after dinner. Not only is it relaxing and beneficial to your health, it helps you wind down for the night, and it gives you time to talk together and connect without any distractions. No tv, no cleaning, no phones. Just walking and talking. = )
9.) Cozy up by the fireplace and watch a movie together. After dinner and dessert, it’s time to turn on the fireplace and cozy up with a movie. Of course you can choose a rom com or anything that you both love. Again, I would have a movie picked out in advance so you don’t spend an hour just flipping through the channels.
10.) Take a bubble bath or have an in-home spa night. Set up some of your favorites soaps and bubble bath. I don’t know about you, but a relaxing bath sounds like the absolute perfect way to end the day!
Will you be having a date night at home? What are your tips to still making it special and romantic?