February 22, 2013

Mustache Scarf Giveaway + Restaurants, Recipes and (Bike) Riding!!

Giveaway CLOSED
Yay, Happy Friday!!  I’m so excited the weekend has finally made it here.  My little nephew Carter is staying the night with us tonight, and then about 15-20 of of Memphis bloggers are meeting tomorrow night IRL.  Can’t wait!  I’ll go ahead and warn you that this post is going to have a lot of pictures in it, but to make up for it I’m doing another giveaway today!  What kind of giveaway you mustache?  Well a mustache scarf giveaway of course!  Keep reading to see how to enter, and don’t forget to enter my over giveaways here, here, here and hereI know I’m still a LONG ways away, but when I get to 1,000 followers, well duh I’m going to do a huge giveaway, so get to sharing!  And for my followers who stalk read, but never comment, I would love for you to say hello today if you get a chance.  = )  And for the bloggers, if you’re interested in sponsoring me, you check that out here.  All ads are half price through the end of February.
Shane and I made it over to Shelby Farms last week to do some bike riding.  It was in the 50s so it wasn’t too bad, just windy.  We loaded up the Trek mountain bikes, and we were ready to go!  Side note, but if you’re interested in getting a mountain bike – Treks are aweome.  We’ve had 6 different ones over the last few years.  They are very durable and they maintain their value really well.  I bought this particular Trek WSD (Women’s Specific Design) one from eBay for about $300 as compared to $500.  Shane bought his from a friend for around $300 also, and his was worth about $600.  I’ve also bought one off of Craigslist before, so be sure to check out these sites first.  Mine was practically brand new when I bought it with less than 100 miles on it, and it already came loaded with the Cateye Computer Velo 7, which at the time cost around $50 base price.  Shelby Farms is mine and Shane’s favorite park in Memphis.  We’ve been going there for the last 6 years.  The strange thing is that we had never even heard of it until then.  Why didn’t our parents take us there as kids?  Ahem, mom.  For those of you in the Memphis area, hopefully you know how awesome this park is.  It is 4,500 acres and has the best playground I’ve ever seen.  They even have plans to add a waterpark type of attraction there in the coming years.  It is almost completely operating off of donations, and memberships start at only $35.  Shane and I are members, and you can learn more about how to become a member here.  If you’re interested in some of the workout gear I’m wearing in these photos, you can check them out here and here.


Shane playing on the new Shelby Farms Woodland Discover Playground.  I think people were confused as to why they didn’t see any kids with us lol.


Riding the trails at Shelby Farms by one of their many lakes.




Flourless Banana Nut Pancakes
Thanks so much to my friend Jaime to turning me on to this recipe.  I can’t wait to read more of her recipes that she posts.  I have seriously been rocking this recipe out like there is no tomorrow!  I follow most of her directions, but make a couple small changes.  I slice and then mash up one banana.  I beat two eggs and mix them with the mashed banana.  Then I chop about 8 walnuts and add them with the eggs and banana.  I heat the pan up with a little olive oil on it, then ladle the mixture out into circles.  Lightly brown on one side, then flip.  You basically cook it just like you would a normal pancake, but without all the carbs.  Paleo approved.  I usually get to lazy to add the apple topping that Jaime uses, but it sounds and looks really good.  Then I usually serve with fruit.  This meal has become my go to breakfast and brinner (breakfast for dinner.)  Even Shane loves it, and he actually requested it to nights ago with some sausage for brinner.  My mom is the one who suggested the walnuts, and it is just perfect.  I love the bit of crunchy texture, and to me it tastes like a combo of pancakes, french toast, and banana nut bread.  How could you not love all 3 of those things?!



Shane and I went to Thai Bistro in downtown Memphis a couple of nights ago.  We used to go to the one in Cordova all the time when we lived out there, so when we moved we were very excited to discover that they have one downtown also.  I always get the Tom Kha there.  It is mine and my sister’s favorite soup!  It is a spicy and sour soup with coconut milk, mushrooms, lemon grass and cilantro.  It doesn’t taste spicy to me, I mainly just taste the coconut milk, mushrooms and cilantro.  I always get it with chicken in it, and it is so yummy!!


I introduced Shane to the Tom Yum soup a couple years ago, and he is addicted now.  We actually both agreed that it tasted even better than we remembered (and even then it was really, really good!)  Shane ordered a HUGE bowl of it for an appetizer, and even ordered another large bowl to go and had it for lunch yesterday.  We get it with chicken in it, and it is a spicy and sour soup with mushrooms, lemon grass, citrus leaves and cilantro in it.  If you don’t like coconut milk and you prefer a soup that is just a tad bit spicy, I would definitely recommend this one.  The Tom Kha has always been my favorite, but the Tom Yum is quickly moving up there on my list.


This time I decided to branch out and order a different entree.  I got the Thai Sweet & Sour Chicken.  I guarantee you it is much different and better than the Chinese version.  The sweet and sour sauce there is homemade.  It is thin and more like an actual sauce than a “syrup” like the Chinese version.  It’s not quite as sweet either.  I really liked it, and it had chicken, pineapple and onions in it.  And of course I had to have them add cashews to it also.  = )


Shane decided to try something different this time too, and he got the Muai Thai Beef.  It is spicy grilled beef served on a bed of rice and fresh lettuce with a kick of
spicy dipping sauce on the side.  It was pretty good.  The beef was rally tender, and I loved the unique taste of the sauce.  Shane didn’t eat any of the rice though, so it’s good he got a huge bowl of soup or else he would have still been hungry since this wasn’t a very big entree.  He said it tasted pretty similar to the Tiger Cry from Bhan Thai (our favorite Thai appetizer!)
Now who’s ready for a giveaway?!  I posted this picture last night to let you decided which one you wanted me to give away today, and it was a unanimous!!




To enter the giveaway all you need to do is:
1.)  Follow me via GFC here.
2.) Follow me on BlogLovin here.
3.)  Leave me a comment saying you completed all steps.  Are you on the Mustache trend bandwagon yet?!  This giveaway will run through next Friday, March 1 at 7:00pm CST.
This giveaway is even Caleb (my youngest nephew) approved, and you better believe he is in on the trend!  Visit his sweet mom Lindsey’s blog here!
And now I’ll leave you with a couple more cute pictures…of the one and only Spike (who apparently likes to stay warm by wearing my infinity scarf) and a GIVEAWAY SNEAK PEEK for next Monday and Thursday, so be sure to check back next week!


$50 Gift Card to American Pretty.
Your choice of No Slip Glitter Hairband from HarePeace.



62 thoughts on “Mustache Scarf Giveaway + Restaurants, Recipes and (Bike) Riding!!”

  1. Done and done 🙂 I've been on the mustache wagon a while, but recently introduced my Pre-K students to it! We did Valentine's pictures with all of them wearing a different type of mustache and they thought it was hilarious! They daily ask when we get to wear them again haha

  2. Totally entering this giveaway because that scarf is TOO CUTE!
    Also yay to babysitting! And so jealous of your Memphis blogger get together. I don't really know to many Kansas City bloggers. I need to find more!

    All that food looks DELISH btw! Have an AMAZING weekend!

  3. Love Shelby Farms!! I used to live in the apt's at the corner of Germantown and Trinity back in the day (Before they got really bad) and took my dog every single day to SF. I made that 3-4 mile loop my bish (or tried to) before I learned to run. It was definitely my fave hangout spot.
    My friend owns the Thai Bistro locations both DT and in Cordova 😉

  4. Your athletic clothes are adorable. I love the gray and yellow combo this year. I might just have to wear it tomorrow night. It took me a minute to jump on the mustache bandwagon, but I'm along for the ride now so throw me in the giveaway.

  5. I am making those pancakes tomorrow morning, and we'll see if they're kid approved! 😀 Oh…do you use regular sugar in them or can I substitute flax?

    I've completed all the steps for the giveaway, and that scarf would be my first mustache item!

  6. Following your on both. Love mustaches except on me! And I guess we just didn't know about the park. And maybe I was just busy taking yout o church, ballgames, gymnastics, and cheerleading. Who knew?

  7. OMG, Caleb is so cute… and so is spike. Did I tell you we used to have a dog named Spike. A Jack Russell, super hyper and a biter, thats why we had to get rid of him. It looks like you guys had a great time bike riding.

  8. Here are the names that go with the tasks you asked us to do. I have completed all the tasks. I have differesnt names with different locations so below are the names: 1) Walking in Memphis in High Heels GFC is elaineb1 2) Bloglovin – Susan Broughton or sbroughton61@yahoo.com 3) As for the mustache bandwagon, no not on it yet, but thinking hard about it! thanks for the giveaway!

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