Outfit 1: Vintage Feltman Brothers Romper // The G Boyss Blanket c/o
Outfit 2: The Happy Heart Dress // Pottery Barn Kids Chair
Outfit 3: Carters Tutu (old) // Lucy Darling Stickers
Outfit 4: Janie & Jack Dress // Target Bow // Sea Wees Sandals c/o
Outfit 5: Chicco Romper // Modern Burlap Blanket c/o
Outfit 6: Vineyard Vines Dress & Bloomers c/o
I cannot believe Leighton turned 10 months old last Saturday. And yes, I know I say that every single month. My friend
Emily took Leighton’s pictures again a couple weeks ago, and we won’t have anymore taken by her until 12 months. = ( I have actually spent some of my lunch break today starting to plan Leighton’s birthday party (gasp!) I’m not going to tell you the theme yet, but let’s just say, I think it is going to be perfect for her, and I’m so excited about it. I decided to wait to do the Minnie Mouse theme next year when she is a little older to understand and enjoy it more. = )
What is Leighton up to this month? I think some of the biggest changes have happened over the last 2 months. She cruises everywhere. She pulls up on everything and walks around everything holding on with one hand and switching from hand to hand to hold herself up. She is getting more independent and will entertain herself a little here and there. She still loves the outdoors. We went on another bike ride with her in the trailer this week, and she still loves it! Stroller rides are still a favorite of hers too. She loves to ride in and on things – her cozy coupe, her Mercedes, her giraffe, her rocking bear and her rocking horse. She also loves swings and slides. She just loves to go!! She still loves being in the water and spent a few hours in the pool almost everyday last week at the beach. She still takes 4oz 4 times a day every 4 hours in addition to solids for breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks. She eats literally everything and loves eating off a plate now with her hands. She recently tried cheese, green peas, whitefish, roasted potatoes, green beans, kiwi and a grilled cheese sandwich. I still normally cook most of her food, but if we go out to eat, she will normally just eat something off the menu. It definitely makes it convenient and takes the stress and work out of feeding her.
It is crazy how fast and well she has progressed with baby led weaning. I remember when she would still gag a little occasionally at 6 and 7 months, and now she doesn’t have any problems eating anything. She gums, chews and swallows like a champ. We tried to just let her take the lead, and she definitely knows what she wants. She loves to eat and will quickly let you know when she is hungry.
She still takes 2 2-hour naps and sleeps 12 hours at night. Her routine is bed at 8:00pm and wake up at 8:00am. Nap from 10:00-12:00 and 3:00-5:00. She has a bottle at 8:00am and breakfast at 9:00. Bottle at 12:00pm and lunch at 1:00pm. Snack at 2:00pm. Bottle at 5:00pm and snack at 6:00pm. Dinner at 7:00pm. Bath at 7:30 or 7:45pm. Bottle and then bed. She is definitely a schedule kind of baby, and it works for us too. What is your baby up to this month?
She is so precious! I love the Modern Burlap blanket- what sweet words!
She is so cute! and they are great photos.
These are too cute! I have an 8 month old daughter so I'm especially loving these adorable outfits!! 🙂 Where is the top blanket from? Did someone make it? My mom made one that looks almost identical for my little girl!
Yes a lady made it, and it's tagged in the post above. ; )
She is too cute! She definitely has a little schedule and I'm glad it works well for you, too. Those pictures are adorable and I'm sure you're having so much fun planning her 1st birthday party!
XO, Jaime | RegallySoled.com
You pretty much follow the same schedule we have for our kids. Yay for sleeping in and for planning 1st birthday parties. I'm planning a Minnie Mouse party for my daughter;s 2nd birthday next month. So far I have invitations…and things I've bought for DIY, but haven't done anything. Speaking of which, when your daughter does turn 2 and you plan that birthday party, you can use my invitation I used. Just let me know the info and I can easily switch out the stuff on the invite. See my post from Wednesday to see the invitation I did. No cost, just a mom helping out another mom.
That would be awesome, thank you!!
I just so happened to be holding at 10 month old at work while reading this! He was the sweetest and squishyiest little thing. We could've played with puzzles all day long. He was so content. It's this age that makes me want to have one of my own.
She's beyond cute – love her little chair
Happy Medley
Oh my gosh she is just a doll. Those eyes and the whale tooshy!!!