I never knew quite how messy life with a baby or toddler would be, but I also never could have imagined how fulfilling it would be either. Over the last couple of years I’ve learned that those “messy moments” are actually some of the best moments in life. From cleaning up broccoli from every crevice in the kitchen during baby led weaning, cleaning every explosive diaper, cleaning every bit of spit up off my shoulder to now cleaning every bit of paint I find on the walls and floor, and even on her. These moments…these are the ones that stand out that I will never forget. It’s the messy moments in life that are the most beautiful.
I’ve teamed up with Dreft to share some of my messy moments and give away a Dreft prize package that includes a $50 Amex gift card and a Dreft product (keep reading to find out how to enter!) Mine and Leighton’s messy moments have definitely changed a little over the past couple of years. Now Leighton is into anything and everything. She loves painting, coloring (on herself!) and jumping in every single mud puddle she sees. It used to be avocado and sweet potatoes everywhere, and now it’s paint and markers everywhere we look. I think we can all agree that no matter what age they are, things can still get pretty messy.
Dreft is the number 1 baby detergent choice of pediatricians. It is specially designed to meet the different needs of growing babies and their families. Leighton has sensitive skin like me, and we still use Dreft on her clothing so her skin doesn’t get irritated. Dreft is specially formulated to be hypoallergenic, gentle on skin, tough on stains and with a fresh baby scent. Dreft has also teamed up with Dr. Hes to share some messy baby tips, and we definitely used a few of these at our own house. Get outside. Dr. Hes recommends to get your little one outside and let them learn and embrace nature and all it has to offer. This is one of our favorite things to do. It’s also a lot less messy when you’re playing outside instead of in the house! Splish splash in the bath. Next to outside time, this is definitely Leighton’s next favorite. Bringing fun toys and activities into the bath is a great way to explore, learn and also keep messes to a minimum. Leighton loves to use bath crayons in the tub, and then the mess easily wipes clean when we’re done!
The Dreft #MessiestBabyContest twitter part will take place on Monday, November 14th from 8:00-9:00pm CST. There will be some really great prizes including an iRobot Roomba. You can RSVP here. Dreft and Paren’t Magazine are also running a #MessiestBabyContest, and you can enter here. Now for my favorite part – the giveaway! To enter, just use the widget below and good luck!
This post and giveaway were made possible by iConnect and Dreft. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.

My favorite messy moment is with my son who loves to makes messes! From eating dinner to playing outside, we have lots of messy moments 🙂
My favorite messy moment is when the kids are eating in their high chair with finger foods for the first time.
Baking always seems to create a mess, but it is worth it! I remember one particular time with strawberry cupcakes that was especially sticky and hard to get out.
My favorite messy moment was when my son ate peas, he would toss and roll them all over while eating them; they were everywhere when he finished eating.
My favorite messy moment is when my kid's paint, but in the end they end up painting their arms and faces.
I'd say the first birthday and having their own little cake was my favorite moment. Baby was amazed having the cake and a mess it was.
A favorite messy moment with my grandsons has to be their first birthdays and their smash cakes! Both of my grandsons had so much fun digging into that cake and it was on all parts of their body!
Messy moment, the first time he was able to feed himself well lets say he didn't really feed himself, the floor, high chair and clothes got fed lol.
My favorite messy moment is when my son and daughter are being creative when they paint or do crafts. They make a big mess but it is okay because they love making things and giving them to me!
My favorite messy moments are dinner time!
I love the times when we had big family dinners and the twins would enjoy their first of anything. Their first spaghetti meal or their first birthday cake or their first ice cream – the mess was hilarious and we all laughed so hard and reminisced about when we each did the same. Good times.
I don't have any kids yet… but I know I had some messy moments with birthday cake and spaghetti when I was a baby! 🙂
xO – Steph
I love when my little girl gets outside to play. Dirt is just part of it and makes me happy that she is just having fun and not worrying about stains or laundry or making messes. That is what being a kid is all about.
My favorite messy moments are when the kids paint. They get so messy I usually have them paint outside. They paint me the cutest things though!
she's so blond, and adorable. i hate being messy, lol, and even as a kid i was conscious of not being dirty. but, it's worth it to put some plants in the garden…that's why there's gloves, lol.
Whenever my wife lets me cook with my son….
Not looking forward to explosive diapers when I have a baby! LOL Your baby is such a cutie! I've never tried Dreft but might have to switch it up this time around instead of buying Tide.
My favorite messy moment was when my son ate pizza and had the pizza sauce all over his face
My favorite messy moment is when my niece bakes! She makes a mess in the kitchen but it is super fun to bake with her.
My fav messy moment is when they eat spaghetti. It's so cute!
Mealtime is our messy moment. I have to have napkins on hand for baby girl.
favorite messy moment was when i was trying to cook dinner and i got cooking oil and flour every where. not a pretty site.
Birthday cakes are always a great messy moment, especially when eaten "face first" lol.
(Rosie A)
I love when babies have a smash cake at their birthday!
My favorite messy moment is letting my kids enjoy an ice cream cone.
Their 1st birthday cake is my absolute favorite but spaghetti is funny too especially now that I'm grandma and not mommy.
First of all, this entire shoot is SO CUTE!! I love when kids and play and be free and we dont have to stress about messess! Also, Dreft smells so dang good!!!!
My favorite messy moment is when we work in the garden.
Recently, our little one helped carve a pumpkin for the first time. It was so messy! He had slime and seeds everywhere. So messy, but so cute!
We love our messy moments – thank goodness for Dreft!
xx Nina
Cleaning up after the first birthday cake celebration!
Each of my girls, when they were around 3 years old, powdered their dolls in the bathroom with the baby powder. The oldest got powder all over the bathroom and herself and the youngest was a little more confined. It was still funny though I was trying to look mad.
I honestly don't have a favorite "messy moment". I can't stand messes of any kind.
She is SO cute, messy moments and all!
My favorite messy moments are in the kitchen baking! The end results are always sweet!
xoxo Madeline | http://www.theblackbarcode.com
Oh I have to say my favorite messy moment is his 1st birthday and his own little cake! Oh the frosting was everywhere! So precious!
She is such a cutie! And yes, with a 6 month old we love Dreft!
Definitely my son's smash cake on his 1st Birthday! <3
Watching my contented babies smiling while drooling after they were done nursing.
Making food with the kids!
A favorite messy moment was my grandsons 1st birthday and his smash cake. He had blue frosting and cake everywhere.
My favorite messy moment is watched no my kiddos eat cereal as an infant
My son played in his dirt pile after a rain storm. A lot of mud!
My favorite messy moments was my daughters first birthday. she got her own mini kitty cake and smeared it all over her and the high chair!
She is absolutely precious and is really focused on that paint!!
xo, Kristina
Medicine & Manicures
My son used to make snowstorms for his trains… using flour!
My favorite messy moment is the smash cake for their first birthday.
My favorite messy moments are when we bake together in the kitchen. It's so much fun, plus we get delicious treats.
Whenever I feed my daughter spaghetti, she gets pretty messy but she is so adorable, too!
My favorite messy moments were playing in my Grandpa's dirt/bark piles when we were kids
I don't know about a favorite but the one that stands out is my son taking off his diaper and wiping his poop all over the walls and his crib. so gross
My favorite is watching my 15 month old try to use a fork and spoon. She tries so hard to be like her big sister, and it is so cute how determined she is to make it work even with most of her food ending up on her shirt.
When they eat their birthday cake…stuffing their face.
When the girls were really young we would come in afternoon from work/ daycare and they of course wanted to play ourselves. We had large yard and they always ended up with water,mud you name it from head to toe and had the best times of their life.
I do love the smashing of the birthday cake!
My moment was when my son tried to make breakfast for dad
My favorite messy moment is when your child gets cake all over their face!
My daughter has a lot of messy moments lol. My favorite messy moment recently is when she decided to feed her talking Elmo Doll her Cheese Puffs. They were all crunched in his mouth and he still smells like Cheese lol !!!
My son's first birthday party when instead of messing himself with the cake, he picked it up and threw it as his brother. It was hilarious!!!
My favorite messy moment was when my daughter ate her first piece of pizza and the cheese and tomato sauce ran down all over her shirt and she cried and then laughed.
My son is a little artist so I deal with daily masterpieces(messes). Dreft has always been the brand I chose for him because he has super sensitive skin.
My favorite messy moment is from my son's first birthday. I got him a smash cake the was green and yellow, and it got everywhere! Even in his ears! 🙂 It was so much fun!!
My favorite messy moment is when we bake something together.
One of my favorite messiest moments was when my son was growing up and we would finger paint together. 🙂
My favorite messy moment is When they eat their birthday cake.
Awww this post is so cute!! I use to love finger painting.
My favorite messy moment memory is babies first birthday cake. Always so much fun.
Jennifer Rote
OMG seriously can't over how adorable your daughter is. I can only imagine how messy motherhood can be, this sounds like a great product!
xx Mollie
Birthday cakes are always my favorite messy moment.
when my son rubs food in his hair
My favorite is always meal time with my young kiddo's! The mess isn't only on them, but their clothes and on my table and floor! It's still my favorite though because it's our family meal time and I cherish it!
My favorite is 1st birthday cake smash
Finger painting with chocolate pudding! – Monica Cobbd
Christmas morning present mess!
My son's B-day when he eats cake and ice cream.
Messiest moment would be when the grand kids are opening their Christmas presents.
Things flying everywhere!
thank you
My daughters first birthday cake was my favorite messy moment. She had it every wheres.
When my two year old son got a hold of a black marker and decorated his face.
When my son drew something on my face and pain while I was sleeping
My son's first birthday is my favorite messy moment. Cake & whipped cream everywhere!
I love it when my kids paint with their cars. It's so fun!
My fav is when she eats ice cream and chocolate.
When my son was a baby and he got food in his hair… Gross, but oh so cut!!
My favorite is when they get food all over their face
Livy loves to eat & makes a huge mess every time she does it! Ella wasn't nearly as hard on her clothes as Liv, but Dreft stain remover has worked wonders for us!
My kids eating ice cream 🙂
My daughters first birthday cake tasting is my favorite messiest moment!
Jill M.
getting party food all over them!
My favorite messy moment is playing outside after it rains.
I think my fav messy moment is the first time I fed my baby solid foods – great faces, laughs and food everywhere
One messy moment was when baking the sugar and flour were knocked over and before we could clean it up the dogs went running through the kitchen in the middle of it and continued towards the living room.
My dog loves to swim and roll in the mud so there are a lot of messy moments when she comes home tired and wants to sleep on the couch or a bed!
My girls love to do arts & crafts and that always ends messy. We laugh a lot though and have fun. They usually make me things because they're sweet little angels.
Finger painting is the messiest
My favorite messy moments are watching my kids get creative while doing arts & crafts at home Never a dull moment at our kitchen table! I know these moments won't last forever. I try to enjoy these precious years with them.
My favorite messy moment is when we all make our own pizzas and it fun but messy!
My favorite messy moment was when we were decorating Christmas cookies as a family and a container of sprinkles got knocked over. I've never seen such a colorful floor 🙂
Meal time messes!!
We love baking adventures at my house!
We love baking adventures at my house!
Doing arts and crafts with my nephew and oldest niece! 🙂
Birthdays are the messiest (and the most fun!)
My favorite messes are the ones that bring the smiles ! Digging in the dirt, finding the best rocks, messy faces from spaghetti night and of course from birthday cakes!
My favorite messiest moment was probably my grandsons first Thanksgiving. He grabbed a turkey leg and had drool and turkey drippings all over him but he was a happy little fella with that turkey leg!
Cooking with my kids is my favorite messy moment.
My favorite messy moment has to be the time my husband left the bucket of popcorn in reach that we brought home from the movies. My daughter got ahold of it and had a blast tossing the stuff everywhere. She wasn't even a year old yet. Thankfully, it was on hardwood floors verses the carpeting so cleanup wasn't as bad as it could have been.
My favorite mess is birthday cake messy
i love playing on the lawn with my nephew. he likes to look for bugs in the dirt and make hats of leaves. the best messy!
painting is my favorite
I love dreft! I have very sensitive skin and this is one of the only detergents I can use!
My favorite messiest moment is baby's first smash cake! My youngest is turning 1 in a few weeks and I can't wait for her smash cake session!
My favorite messy moments are when my daughter plays outside. She loves looking at bugs and playing in the dirt. It just makes me laugh and giggle to see her excitement.
By far it was his first birthday smash cake.
I love making cookies with my niece and nephew! Super messy but always worth it!
My favorite messy moment is mud pie days!!
Making cookies with my kids is my favorite messy moment,
My favorite messes are any messes! We wanted a baby for so long that I love any moment with my baby! 🙂
When my baby eats spaghetti he gets food in his hair,mouth everywhere ????
When my son was under a year old we added frozen blueberries to his yogurt and the juice stained his mouth and he made his classic "stink face". We adore the picture we snapped!
Cake in the face is always cute.
My favorite messy moment is when my nephew's oreo turned into a whole mess on his face! It was crazy to see how 1 oreo turned into what looked like 10 all smushed up!- Emily Ann
My favorite messy moment was when my daughter was at home with her dad and he fell asleep and she painted his toenails.
My favorite messy moment when my son had poured baby powder EVERYWHERE! LOL
My favorite messy moment is when 2 of my cousins and my brother sat my then 1 year old daughter in the middle of the table and gave her cake and just sat there and watched her enjoy it. It was very messy and being teens they left the mess and messy baby for me to clean. Still a fond memory though.
First birthday smash cakes!
I love the messy moment of trying those first foods!
I remember my son's first birthday – chocolate cake and ice cream from head to toe. He went straight from the high chair to the bathtub. He loved it.
My twins cake smash 1st birthday photo session. The beautiful images even though they were a mess!
My favorite messy moment is learning to feed yourself. It is the small, everyday steps to growing and blooming!
My favorite messy moments are cooking with my niece! She makes such a mess, but we have so much fun!
I'm going to be a new mom in march so can't wait for some messy moments!
Her first S'more ended up in her hair and all over her face and hands. She loved it and it was such a cute moment and a good memory!
My favorite messy moment would be anything involving hot fudge. 🙂
My favorite messy moment is the little one I watch was having spaghetti for lunch and rubbed it in his hair, on his face and clothing then threw the plate on the carpet so the dog could also have lunch.
My daughter's birthday is always fun! Seeing her wear the cake is always fun to watch 😛
When we are carving pumpkins with the kids
When we make a homemade meal together, messy and yummy.
well its a clean messy moment my son crawled in the sink got the sprayer and sprayed my whole kitchen when he was like young i walked back in cause i didnt hear nothing and i was like first response i thought how cute and laughed a little and he said lovvve wattter im like o ok well we dont crawl and sit in the sink water got over everything the flour was soaked and every where
chocolate! it happens all the time
Oh definitely the spaghetti sauce mess the first time Hope tried pasta! She was orange from her head to her toes. SHE loved it… I have video of her laughing and clapping and sauce going everywhere!
My favorite messy moment are moments spent baking.
My favorite messy moment is when we let our son feed himself!
When they first have pasta! Thank you for the chance to win
My favorite messy moments are when we used to make mud pies & spas around in the puddles!!
My favorite messier moment was the time my two oldest kids (age 5 and 6 at that time) made mississippi mud pie in our living room floor under the supervision of my hubby. My hubby fell asleep for ten minutes and woke up to mud, flour, eggs, and sugar all over his favorite shoes and on our carpet.
Oh man this is a funny and gross one! When my son was 1.5 years old he pooped his pants during the night and had woken up but instead of crying he climbed out of his crib, took his diaper off, got out his toy trucks and ran them through the "mud". All up and down the carpet and even on the walls. It wasn't funny then but it's super funny now!
My messiest moment was when my husband decided it was a good idea
to let our 2 year old son help him change his oil.
My favorite messy moment was when my husband gave her a purple iced cupcake and watching her just dive right into it! I used Dreft and it came right out!
The messiest moment is the first time I gave my baby watermelon.
My favorite messy moment was catching my kids playing in a mud puddle after we had dug up an area to plant the garden
My favorite messy moment was finding my granddaughter painting herself and her little brother with lipstick.
My favorite messy moment for both kids was watching them smash and enjoy cake for the first time on their first birthdays.
Finger-painting is my favorite messy moment!! 🙂