May 4, 2017

Why It is So Important to Teach Positive Body Image to Our Children

Why It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High Heels
On Me:  Top c/o // Bottoms c/o
On Leighton:  Top c/o // Bottoms c/o
Growing up I was always small until I hit that stage…you know the one I’m talking about.  The one where your entire body changes, you start eating more and as you get older, you start becoming less active – between elementary and middle school.  I grew out of it pretty quickly, but that didn’t stop me from having the pounds creep on…and then fall back off in high school.  I have struggled with my body and my weight most of my life.  I’m still not where I want to be, but that’s okay.  I am still SO happy with where I am.  I love who I am, and I love my body.
I love that I was able to grow a baby and nourish her.  I wouldn’t trade those curves for anything.  But the last thing I ever want Leighton to deal with is her body and self image.  We are all different shapes and sizes, and we should be.  Who wants to see everyone look exactly the same?!  One of the reasons I started my blog 5 years ago was to get more comfortable in my own skin, really put myself out there and challenge myself to take risks.  Risks in life and risks in fashion.  And I think this is such a great message to have for anyone, especially my daughter, Leighton.  I want her to know that we are all different and beautiful, and she should always love herself first and have a positive body image.  The beautiful person who she is exactly who she is supposed to be.
With  TV, YouTube videos, and even blogs, there is even more pressure to feel like you have to look and be a certain way.  That means there is all the more reason to grow up teaching our children that they don’t have to look a certain way.  They don’t have to look like everyone else.  They just need to be healthy, and they need to be happy and have a positive body image.  That is all I want for myself, and that is all I want for Leighton.  We are the role models that our children will look up to each and every day.  And for those reasons, I try to teach LC that a positive body image comes from being healthy and being happy with your body and who you are.  I want to make sure I portray that because kids pick up on everything we do and say.  And if she picks up on anything, I want it to be a positivie body image.
Make sure you check out My Wifestyles to read more about her journey with body positivity and Kortni Jeane.  They seriously have some of the cutest swimsuits ever!  And they make them for your entire family.  You might remember Leighton and I wearing a matching style here too. = )  What ways do you try to teach a positive body image to your children and discourage body shaming?
Why It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Why It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Why It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High HeelsWhy It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Why It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Why It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High HeelsWhy It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Why It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High HeelsWhy It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Why It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Why It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High HeelsWhy It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High Heels


Why It is So Important to Teach A Positive Body Image to Our Children by lifestyle blogger Laura of Walking in Memphis in High Heels



23 thoughts on “Why It is So Important to Teach Positive Body Image to Our Children”

  1. Yesss, lady- this is so, so important. They are little sponges and it's not just what you say TO them ABOUT them, but also what you say about YOURSELF. They learn + internalize, totally. Great post- you two are SO STINKIN' CUTE.

    Le Stylo Rouge

  2. Kortni Jean is my fave! Love your body laura! You look amazing! After struggling with an eating disorder for over 10 years and seeking treatment something started to click for me.. take the focus from what your body looks like to what your body can do. It's a total game changer! That body brought you a beautiful baby! It's a magic maker!



  3. I'm so happy you wrote this. I've had to stop following a lot of people on social media who constantly talked about diets, skinny tea, losing weight, etc. I agree, it's so important to watch how you talk about yourself because we don't want our kids/siblings etc learning from that. The diet industry is ridiculous when in reality 90% of ppl gain the weight back within 5 years which is why it's so important to learn how to live healthy and balanced, learn to become attuned to our bodies, and embrace different shapes and sizes.

  4. Those suits are adorable on you and Leighton. And seriously, I'm working on more positive body talk myself because I don't want to pass it on to my kids one day. I feel that there are so many unrealistic role models out there and it makes me nervous for the 10-18 age groups now. Feeling really glad social media wasn't really a thing when I was younger! (maybe we can hope it will be gone by the time Leighton is a teenager haha)

    xo, Maddy

  5. These photos melted my heart and this post resonated with me to my core. Thank you so much for sharing such an important topic that we must be open to discussing and sharing! You also look amazing girlfriend!

    xo, Sara

  6. Couldn't agree more about this. I have two little girls and it's so important to me that they don't learn the negativity that our culture pushes on women. These swimsuits are so adorable by the way. Love!

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