Happy Prime Day yall! If you don’t know what Amazon Prime Day is, it’s the next 48 hours where all Amazon Prime members get incredible deals on certain products from Amazon along with 2 day shipping!
There are so many amazing deals going on today and tomorrow, but I’ve rounded up my favorite here! Make sure you to also check out my IG Stories for other Prime Day favorites!
What are you scooping up today from Amazon? Let me know in a comment below!!

Great stuff! I need those leggings!
Aren’t they cute?!
Pretty picks dear, especially that blue romper!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
I have major FOMO because I literally did not have time to prepare for Prime Day OR shop for it!!! I love all of your picks!
Absolutely love Amazon!! Their deals are amazing and love the 2 day shipping!!! I have my eyes on those adidas shoes!
cute & little
Love the Dyson and definitely worth taking advantage of during the Prime Day sale!
Oh my goodness I want allll of this!! I definitely need to look into all of these electronics!
I need me some tracks. Gonna checkout your picks.
❥ tanvii.com
So many good picks here! I honestly forgot about this sale and dropped the ball. I’ll be more prepared next year!
The only thing I ended up getting from Prime Day was a tripod haha! I guess I missed out on some of the good stuff!