Happy Wednesday! Week 1, I shared what Whole30 is all about. Week 2, I shared my favorite Whole30 approved snacks. And today I’m going to share 10 of my favorite best pairs of shoes for working out and running. A healthy lifestyle isn’t just about eating healthy. It’s about being active, making time for yourself and making good choices overall in your day to day life. It’s a lifestyle.
Since I’ve been talking about eating lately, I wanted to focus on fitness today. I started bootcamp last week and am excited to finally get back into the gym! Though I LOVE running, I think having a balanced active lifestyle is important. That means running ,walking or hiking AND doing strength moves too, including lifting weights or even using your own body weight to gain strength.
What I noticed while running was that I was completely neglecting strength training. I didn’t mean to; it just happened. Mom life got busy, and I just squeezed in what I could when I could. The same is true of eating healthy – that is just part of the equation. But shouldn’t our health be a priority? It should be a part of our life, not an extracurricular activity. It should be on my to-do list most everyday just like eating, sleeping, spending time with family. So…I am working on adding in more strength training and will be sharing my journey with that soon too!
Bootcamp is kicking my butt, and I can’t believe I haven’t been to one since before Leighton was born. I am working on coming up with a new schedule that works better for my busy life, and I’m thinking that running on 2 lunch breaks each week and then going to bootcamp at least 3 nights a week is going to be a good schedule for me. Whether you’re a runner or you like to hit the gym, I am sharing 10 of the best pairs of shoes for working out below. Check them out and let me know your favorites.
What about you? What does your workout schedule look like? Do you lift weights or like to run? Let me know in a comment below!


I love this workout look, those leggings are so pretty!
xx, Elise
I’m really into Nike running shoes… but I’ll take a look 😉