Okay, I know what you’re thinking. “Laura…it’s not even Halloween yet, and you’re sharing Thanksgiving?!” We’re kind of in that sweet spot between Halloween and Thanksgiving. They’re both fall holidays, so I think it’s totally acceptable to share my favorite Thanksgiving home decor. Plus, I always feel like Thanksgiving gets the short end of the stick. We typically jump right from Halloween to Christmas, and Thanksgiving is nowhere in sight. And with baby being here in no time, I have to start planning ahead lol!
With Thanksgiving being the epitome of the harvest season, it’s the perfect time to stock up on any extra fall/harvest decor you might be wanting. Today, I’ve rounded up just that! We love Halloween, but I’m really excited to bring out my turkey decor for turkey day! And not to mention a new little turkey to our house… baby Grayson!
Have y’all started shopping for any Thanksgiving decor yet? Let me know in a comment below!