July 8, 2024

Summer Bucket List with Your Kids

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It feels like summer only just began, but it also feels like back to school is creeping up so quickly! So if you’re looking to make the most out of summer like us, I’m sharing my ultimate summer bucket list today. It has some of my favorite activities to knock out over the next month until the kiddos go back to school. The kids are ready for some summer fun, and these items will make sure they have plenty of it!

We have already crossed all but 6 of these off our list, and we will be doing the last few over the next month. It’s been a fun, busy month already! I’m exhausted, but the kids are loving it lol! We had done SO much, and we only have a few more things to go over the next month. Here’s to enjoying summer! Let me know which of these you’ve crossed off your list!

The Ultimate Summer Bucket List for Kids

1.) Shoot fireworks

2.) Get sno-cones.

3.) Visit the zoo.

4.) Catch lightning bugs.

5.) Go swimming at the pool.

6.) Ride your bike at the park.

7.) Build sand castles and play in the water at the beach.

8.) Go on a hike together.

9.) Go tubing at the lake.

10.) Have a picnic – check out ideas for a park (tea party) picnic right here! If you’re local to Memphis, I’ve got a list of my favorite local parks right here. A new one I have recently added to my list is Hinton Park.

11.) Make ice cream at home together.

12.) Run through the sprinklers in the yard or head to the splash pad!

13.) Head to a local carnival or fair.

14.) Go peach or berry picking.

15.) Decorate the driveway with sidewalk chalk.

16.) Build a fort in the living room.

17.) Set up a lemonade or snow cone stand in your neighborhood.

18.) Go camping. You can also have an inside “camp-out” – find other fun indoor ideas in Memphis right here!

19.) Visit a museum.

20.) Make s’mores around a campfire.

21.) Get books from the library.

Looking for more ideas like some of my favorite places in Memphis to visit this summer? Check out this post here. What is on your summer bucket list?


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