We’re really only a month into summer, but it already feels like it’s almost over. Though I’m getting really excited for fall, I’m not ready for the long days and warm sun to be gone just yet. I’m trying to really treasure those last few moments with Leighton this summer by enjoying time outdoors together. Some of our favorite things to do are going to the splash pad, going for long stroller walks, playing on the playground and having picnics outside. Leighton just loves being outdoors, and luckily, so do Shane and I.
This past weekend we had a fun girl’s day and went to the park and had a picnic there. Leighton loved it. We got dressed up in our Sunday best including this adorable bow back top and these striped shorts from Janie & Jack and my pretty striped dress from Boden. I felt like we were having our own little tea party minus the tea and stuffed animal guests. (Of course Leighton ate her sandwich, fruit and fruit bar before I could even get the pictures taken.) = ) This was our second picnic together this summer. Our first one was in our backyard so it was much easier. Everything we needed was a just a step away. But packing for a picnic and driving? That is completely different and takes a little more preparation. I’ve rounded up the 5 things you will want to pack with you to make your picnic a little easier.
1.) Pack plenty of bottled water. It will get hot outside, and you would rather have too much than not enough. Bright a cooler or small insulated bag to keep it in. Leighton loves water, so I just pack a straw for her to put in the bottled water to make it easy. That way we don’t have to bring lots of cups too.
2.) Bring sun protection. Hats, blankets, sunscreen. Even if it’s overcast outside, you could easily get burned, and you might be out there even longer than you expected. Better safe than sorry.
3.) Pack fingerfoods. Toddlers love them, and it’s so much easier than having to worry about silverware and plates.
4.) Bring lots of wetnaps or wipes for cleanup. Tide To Go Pens are also great. = )
5.) Bring a large, comfy and thick picnic blanket for sitting on. The last thing you want is one that is too small. It has been raining a lot here in Memphis lately, so we put our blanket on the concrete instead of the wet grass, but don’t worry, your toddler won’t mind. = )
What are your favorite ways to treasure summer moments with your little one? What are your best picnic tips?
Thanks to Janie & Jack for sponsoring today’s post.

Such a cute shoot- love this dress on you, babe!
Le Stylo Rouge
just beautiful ! Absolutely love your dress !