I’ve shared my love for leggings here quite a bit, but on top of these favorites, I also love my workout leggings! I’ve been hitting the gym 4 times a week this new year, and it feels so good! I feel like the postpartum phase for me lasted 14 months, and I am loving finally getting to get out to workout, woohoo!
There are so many good workout leggings for women out there, and I definitely have my favorite brands! I tend to love going for bright colors, fun prints, 7/8 length ones and compression ones that stay put while running! I am sharing my favorites today. New workout clothing is always a good motivator! What is your favorite style of workout legging?

Like you allude to here–and I’ll have to try your suggestion about compression leggings–when I’m jogging, I have problems with my leggings sagging from the waist (not being tight enough in the waist). I’m not very fashion-conscious (and my fashion/me budget is very small!), but I’m glad to hear that there are compression leggings that might work for me. I’ll have to look for some of those. Thanks for the post!