We made it to Friday, y’all! I hope you’re week has been going well and I hope you’ve been enjoying this week of giveaways as much as I have! If you haven’t entered this week’s giveaways, you can do that here, here, here and here!
As new moms, there is a lot of pressure on us, am I right? We have to not only give birth to this tiny person but then, we have to figure out all the things that go along with motherhood. On top of all of that, we’re also learning about our new postpartum bodies.
Society nowadays tells us that we should grow a human in nine months and then almost immediately look like it never happened. That’s a lot of unnecessary pressure to put on someone who is also learning how to care for a brand new human who can’t do anything for themselves, right?
I’m not writing this post to workout after baby to be part of that added pressure. Every mama’s postpartum fitness journey looks different. For me, I felt ready to get back to light activity just a few weeks after Grayson was born. But I know that for some, they don’t feel ready, and in fact aren’t even cleared by their doctors until a few months after baby is born. Everyone’s journey is totally different, so everyone’s timeline will look a little different.
5 Essential Tips to Workout After Baby:
But, when you ARE ready to get back to workout after baby, there are a few tips you’ll want to keep in mind.
Make sure you are cleared by your doctor
This one is the most important! Make sure your doctor gives you the go-ahead before returning to any type of physical activity.
Start slow
You’ve got a new body that you’re not as familiar with after you have a baby. Take things slow and gradually increase your pace or intensity as you feel comfortable doing so.
Listen to your body
If you feel any kind of pain or discomfort, make sure you are respecting your body telling you that and either slow things down or stop until you feel better.
Stay hydrated when working out
This is important for any mom starting to workout again, but especially important if you’re breastfeeding.
Wear a supportive bra and nursing pads if you’re breastfeeding
If you’re breastfeeding, you know that your girls are a lot different than they were before. Definitely make sure you’re wearing a bra that is super supportive. On top of that, throw in a couple of nursing pads to absorb any leakage that might occur.
After I had Grayson, some of my favorite ways to get back into fitness were just by going on daily walks and slowly increasing my pace each time until I got myself back up to a jog. I’m taking things slow, listening to my body and feeling out my comfort level before I jump into more intense workouts.
What are some of your best tips for getting started working out after having a baby?